sorry but why
why have 10 kids when you have little hope to support them???
shareThere wasn't any good method for birth control in those days except for condoms. Her family was Irish Catholic, and they don't believe in birth control either.
Mommy to two little monsters
I agree with the both of you.
you can't fight in here, this is the war room!
It's actually a bit more complex than that. It's not that they don't believe in birth control, it's that any form of birth control beyond natural family planning (i.e. the rhythm method) is a sin. That means that coitus interruptus is considered just as grave a sin as abortion in terms of birth control, at least according to the church. This is still the case, despite the 1966 Papal Commission on Birth Control's decision to relax harsher views, the then Pope (John VI) rebutted this in 1968.
The Church's position is that the purpose of sex within the confines of marriage is procreation, and anything that prevents procreation (in other words, sex for sex sake) is verboten. Initially, even the rhythm method was considered to be a sin, but as it does not directly prevent life from occurring, it's now acceptable. It's an interesting stance, in that some of the poorest countries in the world with large birthrates (and subsequently high infant mortality rates) are predominantly Catholic. The cynic in me can't help but think that the Church is just mass producing adherents to their religion.
Thank you for going into more detail. I can't believe even the rhythm method was considered a sin.
Mommy to two little monsters
I think you misunderstood. The way I read the explanation is that the rhythm method was the only form of birth control that *was* allowed.
Basically, if you didn't want to have kids, you had to plan your sex to avoid ovulation days.
Back in that day, my mother used to offer this method of birth control (in relation to huge families), "Don't have sex at all." She probably meant of any kind!
"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
Don't have sex at all."
They had more religion than common sense, unfortunately.
shareKids are cheap, and most of theirs did fine. Why work and dream of the future when the only thing you will leave is a rotting corpse?
shareMakin' babies feels good. hyup yup yup!
shareLook at the "I'm a Roman Catholic" skit from "Monty Python's the Meaning of Life."
shareROFL! Thanks!