Help, I missed these parts.

Can someone tell me what the indian wanted when he entered the Ingalls house in the 2nd part of the series?

And I got company and missed what happened when the fire just broke out on the farm, was it the indians or something else?

Thank you in advance for the answer :)

Twitchy Little Ferret Aren't Ya, MALFOY!?



Thank you so much! I hate missing parts of a movie, especailly a saga. I seen the part where Charles and the indian sat down and smoked the pipe. Sorry, I wasn't too clear on that part that I had missed. I was in a hurry cause I was writing my post in between the commercials. The part I was talking about really occurred at the end of part one. The girls was by the shed with Jack and caroline was doing something and 2 indians (I believe) appeared on the side of the house and followed Caroline in the house, then Laura started to go in the house, stopped, then the movie ended. What I missed was the 1st part of the next show. So I have no idea what the indians did or wanted. Can you fill me in? Thanks in advance!

Twitchy Little Ferret Aren't Ya, MALFOY!?


I missed that part too so if anyone could clear this up for us I sure would appriecate it!!!



Two indians went into the house, while another stayed outside. The two that went inside each had a taste of cornbread, took a bag of grain, and then left. No one was harmed.
