In defence of Simps (Many people make no sense)
- Moviechat text limitation is so irritatingly strict, I had to paste this elsewhere, but here's a beginning of the post just to give you a taste -
I was unfortunate enough to have been exposed to a presentation by a thoughtless creep.
What, using shaming language is wrong? You should tell that to the presenter that shamed men he doesn't even know without limits.
People still use the word 'virgin' as an insult, it seems, but this cretin went even further than usual.
This frizzly-haired 'Mr. perfect-life' tried to use boring statistics to insult lonely people that are already kicked in the face by the whole world. How brave of him.
Also, how boring of him to list basically 20 big numbers before even getting to any kind of point. This is the wrong way to do any presentation - numbers should be SEEN, not verbally vomited into people's unlistening ears.
(You see this in many videos as well - people just mentioning or talking about some big numbers they won't bother to show on the screen, so you have to try to piece things together by just listening some badly-intonated, mumbled ramblings that end up making no sense)
"Why would anyone..?" is not a good question, it has implications and insults baked in.
However, what takes the cake is the insulting and ignorance-revealing non-question: "Do these virgins know pron exists?"
Really? I don't think ANYONE with any kind of thinking capacity would honestly ask this question, because of course we all know that exists. How could we not?
These types of thoughtless insulters that only consider camgirl services a bad thing..
(in my opinion, it's a neutral thing that can have constructive and destructive effects - it's supply and demand, but somehow it's always men's fault and the buyer is always the only one that's blamed for this TWO-directional transaction where BOTH parties consent to something - isn't it weird, how THAT works?)
..and yet praise porn, must life such perfect lives, they can't even understand what world they live in, what loneliness does to people, and what social norms dictate and so on.
Let's say there's someone that hasn't interacted with 'the unfairer sex' a lot for various reasons.
One is, women have SO much power now to put men in prisons and jails just by pointing a finger, it's actually, literally dangerous to do so.
Another is, a soul living in a male body has to jump through about 8 billion hoops just to get to a 'date', that he then has to pay a lot for (why was it bad to pay for camgirl stuff again, but not for 'a date', where a woman is likely just there to get a free meal and not give the man anything, not even positive interaction? For some reason, this presenter is not going to THESE men to ask if they know pron exists..).
Yet another is, even in the most optimal circumstances, where the man has painstakingly spent years to learn all the PUA tactics and risked being punched, attacked by jealous boyfriends and thus landing in prison, hospital, or becoming crippled/injured for life, and is in a situation where he can finally experience the 'action' with the woman, he still has SO much pressure to perform - and Creator help him if he's not PERFECT in every way! - and there are still more hoops, and he's still expected to pay more and so on.
In the end, a one-night stand after years of hard work of learning PUA stuff, paying for 'dates' and draining your life, energy, wallet, physical body and finally the 'sack' to get to the goal, might not be worth it at all. It could be 'meh', it could be boring, he could have a bad experience in myriad possible ways.
Not to mention in how many ways he could fail and be embarrassed. Yet, no one asks if THESE men know that pron exists..
Then there's the added danger of transmitted diseases, pregnancy, having boinked some boxer's wife or daughter and the list goes on.
What about women who physically abuse men? And yet men are still not supposed to be able to freely choose how or when or in what format to interact with women. This is still somehow more honorable and less shameful way to have some kind of 'relations'? Really?
What about women who falsely accuse men of anything from violence, the R-word, insults, racism, to being the father of her child, and so on and so forth? These things HAPPEN A LOT!
I don't get why it's somehow more respectable to submit to a system and situation that requires a man to go through all THIS hellish stuff and most likely end up in a very bad situation, than to interact with some bubbly camgirl in a safe manner that doesn't hurt anyone.
You can read the full post here: