MovieChat Forums > Southland Tales (2007) Discussion > Biggest pile of horse *beep* ever captur...

Biggest pile of horse *beep* ever captured on film!!

Anyone who thinks this movie is good and that it is misunderstood must be on crack. This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life!
Here's a list of just a few things:
Worst cast
Over acting at its finest
A script that makes zero *beep* sense no matter how you look at at
A bunch of events tied into a scenario that can NEVER happen
And a very desperate attempt by the director to be unique


Think I'll go watch this off-the-wall movie right now, thanks for the suggestion. You can stick with your safe, middle of the road, white bread standard meek movies, and I'll keep enjoying risky fare that makes an effort to show me something different.


At least someone here deserves a thumbs up.

No matter how comforting it must be for Wesam to always get what he always expects. Might even make him feel omniscient rather than brainwashed.


It's your life, couldn't care less how you live it. But I'll say this, if you usually spend your days watching 3 hours of garbage your life ain't all the risky pal


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was supposed to make sense.


I thought it was a potentially great cast wasted on a total CRAP project. Wouldn't have minded seeing most of them in another film (that you know, DIDN'T suck). You had all that comedic talent in one spot and ... blech! :p

Wallace Shawn (Princess Bride), Will Sasso (MadTV), Miranda Richardson (Blackadder), Cheri Oteri (SNL), Amy Poehler (SNL), Kevin Smith (Silent Bob), Sarah Michelle Geller (Buffy), John Larroquette (Night Court), Nora Dunn (SNL), Curtis Armstrong (... every really GOOD Teen comedy of the 80's)

... waste, waste, waste... :(


Honestly if you think this movie is the WORST movie uve ever seen then you are either not much of a movie buff, meaning im not sure why you even watched this, or you are the one crack and think your "opinion" means anyone who thinks differently must instead be so, using your logic, its a satirical film, do you understand what that means? have you seen any of his other movies? hard to imagine you have, it makes plenty of sense to anyone that bothers to try and understand it, dont take your inability to understand a movie as reason to insult those that do, the director made his mark long ago, again proving how little you understand about the director or this movie, i suggest you get back to watching.

lets see, your reviews...

"I CANT STAND YOU! You are so goddamn lame I just wanna reach through my tv every time your on and strangle you. You are NOT FUNNY dude. And STOP with that HELLA ANNOYING accent already!"

that is one of your "opinions" of one actor again bringing out a hurrendous rant and hate filled insult you think is somehow a review, right.

infact, most of your "reviews" if you can even call them that all start with the title "annoying" or "annoying as hell" well, that pretty covers your diverse ability to use the English language to "review" a movie doesnt it, im pretty sure we can all get back to accepting your so called reviews as being simple psycho-babble.
