Layla was pathetic: the worst
Layla was lucky, stupid, arrogant and gutless. She was lucky because, if she'd been paired up against speed, Speed would have drilled a million penetrating punches into her soft gut before she could have made a weed twitch. Then, he would have tied her to the top of the flagpole before she could have decided that it's time to use her powers. She's stupid (brain dead, even) because, considering that she had awesome powers, powers that could have been used to save Sky High and the students of the school, shouldn't she have been helping Will, who almost lost his fight? Of course she should have been fighting Gwen to save the school. But, no, she decided to fight the pathetic cheerleader. Freaking idiot should have been shot! That's what Layla was, a moron. She' was arrogant because, she pretended to use restraint in using her powers. This was fake because she realized that eventually she would have to use her powers anyway. She thought that by exuding restraint she was better than everybody else. Arrogant, haughty, piece of sh-t. She was gutless because, early on. she could have used her tremendous powers to stop Slash and Speed from bullying her friends, who needed her help. But no, she let her two friends be terrorized because she was waiting to to use her powers until she was tapped in the face by a cheerleader. Layla was a piece of crap.