MovieChat Forums > Sky High (2005) Discussion > Layla was not hero material: A serious c...

Layla was not hero material: A serious critique of Layla Williams

Layla sucked for various reasons. She definitely didn't impress or deserve to be held up as a super-hero. Most importantly, she was known for using restraint in using her super-powers. She held back. She even bragged about not using her powers, and she insisted on being a sidekick. Remember when she was asked to demonstrate her gifts for Coach Boomer?, but she self-righteously refused in front of everyone, as if she was better than all of the others. She held back even though she had a tremendous super-power that she could have generously used to help others. But notice, she held back only until she was being physically threatened and beaten up by the cheerleader. Then she broke loose with her tremendous super-power But the coward, Layla Williams, didn't do anything at all, not even lift a finger or a weed, to help her weaker friends, who were being bullied relentlessly at school. She could have easily stopped the bullying, easily, but no, she held back. She was far too superior to help her friends. Screw Layla. I wish when she fought Penny, the cheerleader would have taught her a lesson in fighting and kicked Layla's butt to the curb. Penny could have, too, but she hesitated and gave Layla the opportunity to use her wicked gift. Also-and I'm surprised nobody has pointed this out-with

layla's awesome super-power she could have easily defeated Royal Pain during the final battle at the dance. She cold have summoned all the plants at and around Sky High like a force. She could have had Royal Pain and her allies wrapped in weeds in no time. She could have saved Sky High. In the very least, she could have helped Will win the final victory. But no, she held back. She ran off with the side-kicks. Coward! If she'd been paired up against Speed instead of the cheerleader, Speed would have dominated her slow soft ass. He would have dragged her butt up the flag pole and left her hanging before Layla could have summoned a twig. But, no, she took on the goofy, Penny. Wow, wasn't Layla brave?

Layla's had other serious flaws that demonstrated her poor character. First: She manipulated all of her friends and lied in trying to get Will Stronghold's attention and affection. She used others, notably, Warren Peace, and mislead everyone about her intentions. Unlike Will, who made many mistakes, was selfish, and allowed Gwen to manipulate him, Layla was conniving, like a true villain, and Layla was a bad person. She may have been a psychopath, even. More likely, She was just a stupid high-school girl with bad character, no better. Her superior, "holier than thou" attitude was unjustified, and she was not holy or good at all.

Second: She was self-righteous like no other vegan who has ever lived, and vegans are known for that. But, she takes the veggie cake. For example, she was rude to Josie Stronghold when all Josie did was offer the stupid vegan some eggs for breakfast. Layla said something about eggs not wanting to be eaten, or some smart-ass comment that was unworthy of an aspiring hero. Why was she rude to her friend's mother? Because Layla had poor character, that's why. Josie should have turned into Jetstream and spanked Layla's saggy ass right there at the table and Jetstream should have stuffed sausage down Layla's vegan throat. I hope the self-righteous vegan had digestion problems and an iron deficiency caused by going meatless. I hope her small squishy brain developed poorly as a result.

Finally: Layla was not physically strong at all. She was as squishy as her vegan brain. She was weak. This, when it's well known that all aspiring super-heroes should have physical prowess, speed, strength and fighting skills separate from their super-powers. She didn't. she was as soft and slow as a butterball I'll bet when she practiced martial arts in PE. class, that she had to partner up with somebody equally as weak and slow as she was, maybe Magenta, who was also soft and pathetic. Those two bad-ass girls would have been awesome partners in fighting the bad guys. Hehe! If she had matched up with anyone other than Magenta, any average person, she would have gotten thrown around like a sack. I think her physical weakness, her lack of speed, and athletic skills being totally foreign to her, are disqualifying for an aspiring hero. I think the softness of her body and lack of physical prowess contributed to her being a coward. She would have been better off had she run off and been a hippie or an environmental activist. They don't have to be strong and physically brave.

Layla proved herself lacking in the qualities to be a super-hero. She had poor character, a poor attitude, and, physically she was flaccid and soft. Layla Williams did not measure up.


Can a girl be flaccid?


Yes, if she's droopy and soft; pudgy and toneless. That describes Layla accurately. Add weak, spineless and pretentious and "BOOM" you've got Layla's buttery butt. Could you imagine Layla getting in a fist fight without using her powers? My god, even Magenta would whup her ass!
