Suprisingly great

This movie was packed with great stuff - and Bruce Campbell's sorting scenes are fantastic.

"Very funny kid... Car!"



I love this movie, too! Very entertaining, cute and exciting! I also love the wrap-up voice-over that I won't reveal because it is a spoiler, but if you've seen it you know what I mean. :)



I liked it, too. It's just good stuff.

There's blood on my hands like the blood in you... -The Used


What I liked about this is that the lead characters, particularly Will, aren't a bunch of whiny, spoiled brat kids. They're quite likable, on contrary.


Yeah, great script, directing and acting ... very enjoyable and right on the mark for a super hero movie I reckon.

"Everything is safe till it goes wrong" - Joe Simpson, "Touching the Void" - book only.


I was pleasantly surprised by this movie as well, every time I flip past it on tv I can't stop watching, and it is quickly becoming a fav.

I was looking up the film makers to try to figure out who the genius behind it was and what else they might have made, but there is no one in particular that stands out. The main writer hasn't written anything else, and it looks like some professional fixers went through the script, and the director is your classic "dependable pro" variety. It seems like this is just one of those projects where everyone did their best work and everything came together right.

One thing that does stand out, though, and has to be credited to the director (Mike Mitchell) is that most of the actors played their role very straight and took themselves seriously, which is so important when the content is of the silly/cheesy variety as it is here. Mitchell really did a great job with this, it almost makes me want to watch Shrek: Part Whatever that he recently directed, but not quite, heh. :)
