It's more easily understood if you had taken or at the very least hung out with people who took a lot of hard drugs throughout the years. The split personality that is represented is very realistic to that of a hardcore psychonaut (one who overindulges in psychedelics for the most part) and/or other hardcore substances (Substance D is most like methamphetamine, LSD, cocaine, heroin...all rolled into one pill, at least IMO). These distort reality for a small amount of time unless you choose the path of constant (ab)use that can more often than not lead to debilitating addiction in which one's brain does not view reality in the same way that you obviously do.
I don't know what else to say here, it's mostly a rambling rant on my part with loose ends itself, but the main point is: you'd have understood this if you had ever lived this sort of lifestyle whether firsthand or vicariously through friends/family.