Plot holes

Problem 1: Why did Dreyman and Co. come up with an elaborate hoax of smuggling someone across the border (to test whether his apartment was bugged), when they could have just checked behind the light switches?

Problem 2: Weisler interrogates Sieland. He warns her that if she lies, she will be imprisoned for perjury. He persuades her to confess the location of the typewriter...then goes and hides the typewriter himself??? Leaving Sieland to be arrested for either perjury (saying the typewriter is somewhere it isn't) and/or for tipping off Dreyman? I just don't get it. Even if hiding the typewriter gets Dreyman off the hook, it just incriminates Sieland. Wasn't Weisler's goal to save them both?

Problem 3: If the government was really that skeevy, why didn't they just frame Dreyman to start and have done with it?

The second problem is what really ruins the credibility of the story. Is there any rational explanation for Weisler's actions?


Just seen the movie first time. Movie sure got it's weaknesses for usual light evening entertainment but the questions you post the movie answers itself just by watching once with attention! Also other posters explained already.

Besides I also take a movie for what it is. A story needs to be told. The point of the movie came across. Dull grey Socialist Terror State which tolerates no other opinion than Left-Wing Propaganda!
The young filmmaker came fresh off University and had a budget of 1.5 million. That is NOTHING! He won established actors for that movie project, who were willing to take on these roles for much less than their market price. Because they felt it was important that this movie sees the light of day and general audience gets some education on this swept-under-rug historical topic!

The only other movie under such circumstances to slightly compare is "Blair Witch Project"!
This is as raw as it gets! Bigger accolades than 90% Hollyweird rubbish on 100+ million budgets and marketing behind for artificial success!

I didn't like the end much as Wiesler never came across likeable. He is a ass-kissing slime-ball weak type of male I loathe to death! His change is not relatable just listening to a couple everyday chatter after all these years doing way worse things like seen in the beginning. Constantly throwing ppl in jail, breaking ppl souls merciless interviews just for having a different opinion or making one jokes on a socialist leader. Yes I know that particular case was his Supervisor. But him as well would have acted so on streets. It was well portrayed he was the force on Stasi career when they were younger recruits. Charmers and Good-Lookers climb ranks. And Wiesler had zero.


The only 'plot hole' was the weird scene of Minister Hempf in a German theater after Unification. Yes sadly it was like that: basically no-one paid for their terrorizing and destroying thousands of innocent citizens. Not even Honecker!
But the convo was so weird Dreyman initiating as if they were positive friends despite him being responsible for his real good friend/artistic hero committing suicide! Plus forcing his girlfriend to fuck him for her on-going career. Ultimately her death as well; putting her in a shameful position she can no longer enjoy life.
Surely, IF... there would have been negative accusations and he is no more welcome to his theater productions!

But just asking why he was never observed is DULL! After Stasi physically searched his appartment in his presence it should have dawned him he got surveilled for weeks, possibly months ahead of this raid! But TWICE plus his girlfriend (he adored so much!) rather dying in shame after she had to confess the secret typewriter!
Sure he had no insights what all was specifically going on... but after these massive Incidents how could he even ask him that ridiculous question? And was he really expecting a honest answer? Least I had expected! It wasn't even protecting cover for pokering knowledge out of the former minister. He was really truly surprised! Like WTF?!!

ABSOLUTELY should have dedicated his book to his girlfriend and not a total unknown Stasi Officer, having no idea how much he really hid on purpose. He could have been only partially surveillanced or way more than 2 dudes put up on him not really connecting the dots of art talk. Or falling asleep more than once in hours of such boredom! While his girlfriend paid the ultimate price for just pursuing the art of acting in a shit-ass Patriarchat, Socialist on top! All these Stasi dudes were well off. Even working as mailman afterwards sniffing their nose further on in other ppl private business! Wiesner was not a good man. Weasel pun intended.
