I would understand if she and Colin Firth were reluctant to pair up again so soon, but I think she'd be the perfect choice for Nicole. She's quirky, charming and with those eyes, she could easily be made up to look very exotic. Furthermore, we already know she and Colin have chemistry.
I agree she can do all of the above, but I don't think folks will be able to get beyond them being "Mark and Bridge." The only way I see them teaming again is for Bridget Jones 3.
How about someone dark and exotic as the role originally calls for? This role would have worked for Ash Rai, but then, she already got a role opposite Colin.
Think some more.... ... maybe Natalie Portman...Marisa Tomei
Hmm. I am hardly a Zellweger fan, but I find your suggestion interesting. Until reading the body of your post, the Firth connection had not occurred to me (my mind is doing its best to bury the bits of Bridget Jones it has seen), but I have to say that she could probably do justice to Nicole's character.
R. Zellweger is perfect for the part in that she looks like Shirley McLaine who was in the 1966 original. I also think that Zelweger is a far better actor than Aniston and could pull off the Coen Brothers' brand of broad humor. By the way, why is McDormand not in anymore of their movies?
in the synopsis it says nicole is a beautiful woman. renee zellweger is not a beautiful woman. cute and talented sure, but tell anyone to scunch up their face and they look exactly like her.
I agree with all you've said. And yes, RZ would be perfect in this film. With her pale skin etc she can look exotic. Plus teaming up again really isn't a bad thing. It would be 5 years since EOR. It would bring all the Bridge/Mark fans back together and probably make heaps of money.
Jennifer Aniston is only rumoured. Maybe they'll change their minds. Please....
There is no Nicole in this version of Gambit. The Coen's have written an entirely new script, with a new character named PJ Puznowski. While I am unimpressed with Cameron Diaz as an actress, she fits the character of PJ Puznowski more than Renee Zellweger, despite Renee's Texas roots.
Cameron Diaz, Renee Zellweger, and Jennifer Aniston are all thoroughly annoying actresses who have managed to get very far on a trace of talent. They are all huge box office draws, but I don't know why people are talking about any of them for a movie of Coen prestige.
seriously? diaz has more than proved her talents as an actress with films: "being john malkovich", "theres something about mary", "vanilla sky", "gangs of new york", "in her shoes", "my sisters keeper" and "bad teacher". she may not be one of her generations best actresses, but of the american sweethearts (witherspoon, diaz, bullock, anniston) shes easily the most talented.
renee zellweger is another league entirely though. you must be basing you're decisions on her from a few romantic comedies, because you couldn't possibly think shes a weak actress if you'd seen "jerry maguire", "one true thing", "nurse betty", "bridget jones diary", "chicago", "white oleander", "cold mountain", "cinderella man", "my one & only" or "my own love song"- shes a phenomenal actress, who has sadly fallen from grace in recent years.
"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".
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Cameron Diaz has fallen greatly in the last number of years. I blame alot of it on her ruining her face with plastic surgery. She's getting the roles, but she is not making bank ie profit.
I really do have to wish actors would let themselves age rather than screwup their faces. The Susan Sarandon's/ Meryl Streep's of the world not only accept aging, they continue to get roles BECAUSE they acted their age, or within their age range. Diaz has never evolved her acting style to go beyond that of a 20 something year old woman.
Renee Zellwegger...I won't say she is untalented, but she is sort of like Scarlett Johannsen. Displayed alot of talent early on, now just seems to coast. Like she will not bring her A game any more. Sadly, been looking at Zellweger's list of projects...and it's not good. Outside of a BG sequel, her only other film is a Johnny Knoxville project. Oh the humanity!
It is sad seeing some actresses stuck in B movie status, as it is sad to see some male stars in the same position. Jessica Biel has never scored a personal hit in her life. Kate Beckinsale is unable to score a hit outside of starring in her husband's movies, or an Adam Sandler vehicle. (And really, hitting that low is never good. And by Adam Sandler vehicle, I include any of his suck-ups, I mean allies such as David Spade, or Rob Schneider.)