MovieChat Forums > Gambit (2012) Discussion > Anyone else hated Harry Dean's character...

Anyone else hated Harry Dean's character? (SPOILERS)

SPOILERS : don't read this if you haven't seen the movie yet

Because of his pride, and as his original scheme didn't go exactly on plan, he stole the Dawn paiting, sold it to the japanese guy and got the money... Shabandar's character was meant to be the villain, but Harry Deane was even more despicable... His boss being a bully is not enough reason for him having no morality whatsoever by stealing.

The only genuine character in this movie is Diaz's PJ Puznowski. And her reward is that small paiting? I hardly doubt it would cost the 500,000 £ that Deane promised to give her, just for the simple fact that it was Deane who owned it and he had a lot of financial issues


I didn't like him either. Apparently we're supposed to sympathise with him because he's been suffering with a horrible boss but I don't recall seeing any of that with the real Shabandar, he seemed no different to the head of a successful company. And I was confused as to how much of the Shabandar in his fantasy was real since there were two main points that did not correlate with reality, i.e. Deane had never been to his house and he'd never seen him naked. Also, he wasn't on the receiving end of any of the put-downs.
Did Deane explain why he's in such a difficult financial situation? I can't remember but it looks like he should've earned a decent salary so I felt it was all his own fault and not a very good reason for duping your boss. Then he tries to very stupidly try to steal a Ming vase from a top London hotel. He's obviously desperate but I just thought he got what he deserved afterwards for even thinking he could get away with that! I couldn't find anything likeable about Deane unlike in other Coen brothers movies with similarly immoral characters therefore the movie couldn't hold my interest enough to want to see it a second time.


Don't forget, it's a comedy.


Too many people over think movies. Just relax and sit back. Laugh.


I think the OP makes a good point. We weren't given any good reason to relate to the protagonist, but several for liking the antagonist. I'd have loved if the point was to fool us about which was which but then Deane should have gotten caught, and Shahbandar should have ended up with PJ.
