Why Gambit gets a "low" rating. Simple. It's right there.
It amazes me how few people know even simple statistics. imdb gives you statistics. They make it obvious. 5.7 to 6.0 is a pretty fair rating for this. The problem is that almost everything on imdb is OVERrated by stupid teens & 20s.
Relative to other movies, fewer teens & 20s voted for this & they didn't OVERvote the way they usually do. To a lesser degree, the same is true of 18-29 yr olds.
(note: teens & 20s actually did OVERvote. They probably hated it & they still gave it a 5.8)
Teens & 20s ALMOST ALWAYS vote the HIGHEST of any age group. I could prob get away with "ALWAYS" here, but there are a few outliers like this. Relative to other movies, Gambit simply got fewer young voters, which would bring down its score relative to other movies, and the young voters didn't like it. I won't go into why they didn't like it b/c given the trash they love, the whole topic is too depressing.
I will compare it to a couple of comedies that come to mind that whose ratings figure to be ruled by teens & 20s. THey are THIS IS THE END & 30 MINUTES OR LESS. The details as of today:
Just adding up the votes attributed to specific age groups,
45% of the votes came from teens & 20s for Gambit
65% of the votes came from teens & 20s for THIS IS THE END
61% of the votes came from teens & 20s for 30 MINUTES OR LESS
Note: I'd say 60% & up is very common on imdb. 45% is a clear outlier.
5.8 avg rating by teens & 20s for Gambit
6.9 avg rating by teens & 20s for THIS IS THE END (note: 7.6 by under 18)
6.3 avg rating by teens & 20s for 30 MINUTES OR LESS (note: 6.7 by under 18)
So, you see the overall rating is very close to the rating given by teens & 20s. Now, what about the other end, those 45+?
those 45+ gave a rating equal to the overall rating for Gambit
those 45+ gave a rating 10% below the overall rating for THIS IS THE END
those 45+ gave a rating about 8% below the overall rating for 30 MINUTES OR LESS
Simple. Older people liked this slightly less than those other 2. What anyone above the age of 45 saw in THis Is The End BTSOM though.