Was pretty impressed Diaz has managed to keep fit and look quite good still considering her age... obviously she has aged but c'mon show me a 42 year old in her shape atm... (obviously excluding jen aniston and mary-loise parker).. bravo Cameron.
she is a fitness junkie,so it makes sense she is in shape. But there are lots of actresses in hollywood who look just a stunning ,body and face wise,if not more. Why? Because it is their livelihood,especially at an age where they want to keep getting great roles,and not just in indie flicks where they barely earn any salary compared to studio films. And of course scripts are few,but many actresses in that age range who are fit and beautiful and want the role. Zeta-Jones, Kidman, Julianne Moore, Beckinsale, Jovovich, Theron, Witherspoon, Isla Fisher, Vera Farmiga, Jennifer Connelly, Rebecca Romjin, Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Halle Berry, Hayek, Maria Bello, Rachel Weisz, Diane Kruger, Julia Roberts, Aniston, Naomi Watts, Jodie Foster - all are in great shape,and all are either a few(Moore a whopping 12 years and Foster 10 years) years older or younger,and 37 and 40 is really not much of a difference for the body because if they managed to look super fit and youthful at 37, they will have no trouble looking and having that at 40.
That is their job, their face and in many cases body(for men even more so fit body, for women somewhat youthful appearance) is their paycheck. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon(for Elysium, when the role calls for it),Johnny Depp, Nic Cage, Downey Jr, Hugh Jackman, Mark Wahlberg, Jude Law, Dicaprio, Jim Carrey even, etc - if you want a successful career,then normally you should be fit(though exceptions like Seymour Hoffman, Adam Sandler etc exist obviously)
They are multi-millionaires and in case of folk like tom cruise,tom hanks,spielberg(6 billion worth) they are billionaires even due to % from grosses, business deals and producing and other ventures and investments. So for them to afford a stress free life as possible(and stress ages A LOT), perfect nutrition all their lives, lots of best quality water with minerals, lots of vitamins and GMO-free natural fruits and veggies as well as good fish, lots of fatty acids that contain collagen that keep wrinkles from forming and keeping the skin TIGHT due to the collagen strings in tact, regular exercise, lots of fresh air and lots of healthy amount of sleep, as well as eating and sleeping at regularly the same times which is important for the body to function well and utilize the food and sleep it gets ,unlike if one sleeps at irregular hours etc - all that and add to it yoga for some, meditation and overall not entering stress, in some cases because children stress you and Diaz has no kids and that has helped her age less as well... all of that contributes.
And then of course we have chemical peels and laser skin surgery/treatments that literally delete wrinkles/old cells and make the skin produce new layers of fresh and new skin cells , constantly have chemical peels to keep it up. Then some nip and tucks(tom cruise has done a great job to his eyes and jawline in the last 7 years,not overdoing it, and doing it after a certain period has passed and effects have faded a bit), plastic surgery, botox injections and nowadays a much more efficient and effective wrinkle fillers.
But the chemical peels and laser skin treatment is pretty much all one needs of the semi-artifical stuff, because it is still your own skin creating new skin cells, laser just peels off damaged and wrinkled and weathered skin.
These laser treatments and chemical peels do wonders, literally. Expensive as a real surgery, but I, being 23, a guy, did a laser skin surgery(due to acne scars mostly) and ended up doing the whole face. Was all in red scarring while moisturizing and healing, but 2 months later people literally were shocked because after I had shaved fully so that no facial hair was seen, and once healed did a few chemical peels too, to boot, my skin had lifted to the point where, thanks to me eating and sleeping lots and at regular hours, and lots of water, my face rounded out naturally to where I looked 15 again, and everyone was shocked at how I did it.
I myself was shocked. So while I support people feeling confident about their looks and am not an ageist, I personally can recommend chemical peels and such,even for someone in their 20s.
Another great secret of hollywood is urine therapy,many will never admit to it,but yeah, and it is literally a fountain of youth, it has nutrition and vitamins that go out with urine,that when applied(or some even drink it to have even a bigger effect) does wonders,literally,at restoring cell production.
I think Cameron is the fittest actress in Hollywood,she was skinny back in her modeling days,but she gained weight and started working around the time she did Charlie's Angels. I know many people do not agree with me but i think she is hot
I use to own this town Now my life's been turned upside down Just a phase I'm going through