I've only seen this movie the once and haven't been able to find it since (I like to watch a movie 3-4 times before making a real opinion but lack of availability is forcing my hand) but is it just me or did the movie seem to be a little contradictory on the stand-point of bondage itself? It came across, to me at least, like they were trying to say that Bettie's bondage modeling was all fun and innocent in spite of some people's views at the time, and the people taking the photos were okay, but the people actually into bondage are still weirdos. Even if that wasn't their intention, it's how it came across. From the cop at the beginning in the porn shop, to the fan talking to her at the party, to the dad describing what happened to his son at the trial, it was all very negatively portrayed. But Bettie was still okay because she was just just modeling it, not actually into it herself. Seems a little hypocritical to me.
I guess that's my own personal main disappointment with this movie. I guess I was expecting something more along the lines of "Kinsey" which made a stand on sexuality and specifically homosexuality being okay as well as telling Kinsey's life. Or at least having a bigger scope than just her personal life. Don't get me wrong, she went through some horrible things and her life since the movie has rather tragic as well. But I don't know, it just seemed like the movie needed more to it than just her life. Or at least, as others have said, more of her life than just that. It just really didn't grab a hold of me and pull me in and make me want to really know her story.
Anyway, that's my two cents on the deal.