We need a sequel.... LOL
from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0404203/board/thread/186572287
by watcher101 » Thu Sep 8 2011 00:55:40 Flag ▼ | Reply |share
IMDb member since June 2010
Post Edited: Thu Sep 8 2011 01:02:35
This movie is based on a book. The book's ending is less rushed and more realistic.
After Brad's accident (his name is Todd in the book), he reflects on his life and realizes that he doesn't love Sarah, he just loves the way she fits into his life. Oh, and his wife finds out about the affair and is a bitch about it, not because he's cheating on her, but because he's cheating on her with someone who she feels is beneath her, and goes out of her way to prove she's better than Sarah by performing better in bed and being cocky about it.