MovieChat Forums > Youth in Revolt (2010) Discussion > So not too many people understand dark c...

So not too many people understand dark comedy I see...

I can't understand why there's so many threads bashing this flick. I dug this movie, and apart from Arrested Development, I don't really enjoy watching Cera. I think a lot of people don't understand dark comedies, which in turn leads them to talk *beep* when they don't really grasp the concept. It reminded me of a modern, teen-aged One Night at McCool's without the three-way story.

I've seen people bash this because the lead girl wasn't 'hot'. Who gives a *beep*?
I've seen them bash it because Zack G didn't have a bigger role. Again, who gives a *beep*. It's not a movie about a 30 year old...
I've seen them bash the dialogue and say that kids don't speak this way. These kids spoke this way because in their minds they didn't want to be like the people they grew up around.

Again, I think people expected this to be in the vein of something like Superbad or that playlist movie he did, when this should be on the shelf next to Death To Smoochy.

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


This reminds me of when 'Observe and Report' came out and everyone hated it. The defenders couldn't come up with anything but 'you just didn't understand the dark comedy.' As if it's so hard to decipher.

I'm not bashing you for liking this, that's all good, I love movies in general. But at least be confident enough in your opinion to say you liked it and other's didn't and that's that. Don't make something up about how YOU, oh so smart one, understood it and everyone else couldn't grasp it, especially on a movie like this.

On a side note, death to smoochy is pretty funny in my opinion.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill


Well, the one huge difference is that Observe and Report sucked, regardless of the genre. It overstepped "dark comedy" and went into some whole other *beep*

If people had given their reasons for not liking a movie simply because they didn't like it, fine. When it's because the lead wasn't hot enough, I can't help to think that it was someone that couldn't understand the concepts of the flick.

I never implied that I was the only one that could understand it, simply that some other people didn't get the idea of the movie, which by hearing some of the arguments on here against it, it's pretty apparent that that is the case.

It's not a difficult flick to understand, I mean it's not like we're talking about the robots at the end of AI...

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


"When it's because the lead wasn't hot enough, I can't help to think that it was someone that couldn't understand the concepts of the flick. "
-Yeah, I would agree with that. The only time I felt otherwise was during 'shes out of my league'. Seen it? She's supposed to be so astronomically unattainable and a perfect 10, but she was pretty generic looking. Only in that movie, because of the specific plot, did I feel that way.

"I never implied that I was the only one that could understand it, simply that some other people didn't get the idea of the movie, which by hearing some of the arguments on here against it, it's pretty apparent that that is the case. "
-Could be, haven't been around these boards very long... just saw the movie last night and came here to see what people thought of it. Not my style, but i'm not a big Cera fan.

"It's not a difficult flick to understand, I mean it's not like we're talking about the robots at the end of AI... "
-Hahaha, kind of a good point...

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill


You make no sense, other than seeming to feel hurt about people being called ignorant.

There ARE genres and styles of film that need an understanding of their point of view and structure in order to be enjoyed. The viewer will simply be bored and frustrated otherwise.

It isn't necessarily "stupid" to not understand and enjoy a film, but it can be "ignorant", in that one doesn't even know what they are watching, so no enjoyment can be obtained.

Pretty simple concept, actually.


Please tell me you're a Satanist so I can laugh even harder, but no. I'm not a hipster, I own no Apple products, no ironic t-shirts, don't drink PBR and my mp3 player is full of death metal, not indie. I do, however, appreciate a good movie about someone losing their mind, which is what this was.

People that sided with the devil were always the stupidest to me. Like the elite morons that not only believe in a stupid ass story, but willingly join the losing side.

I'd expect no less from someone that says that we shouldn't "believe anything we read about the Nazis."

*beep* idiot.

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


Oh wait, you are no longer "deathdream666" now you're "forgodssake" does this mean you are now on the winning side of the idiot war?

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you



This was supposed to be a dark comedy? I thought it was a pretty sweet and genuine coming-of-age story.


I thought it was up until his personality split big time and he started burning stuff.

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


This is the lightest Dark Comedy I have ever seen.

Try Very Bad Things and Man Bites Dog, then change your perspective on what Dark Comedies are.

"So this is permanence... love's shattered pride..."


Man Bites Dog wasn't a dark comedy IMO, and Very Bad Things was just as "light" as this. The only thing is no one in this dies.

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


Agreed, Vic. This was dark comedy. I think what is throwing people is that they expect the darkness to be darker (i.e. people killed) and without consequences, because that is how darkness is usually played these days. This movie was more like "Go," (not saying that was dark comedy) where the outrageous behavior is relatively slight but the consequences are real. Since this movie has real consequences, things like blowing up a trailer and getting his girlfriend kicked out of school count as fairly dark.


Exactly, I mean he gets another girl to fall for him in order to drug her so she can get expelled. He blows up a store-front. He does it all under the delusion that doing it will get this girl to be his. He's crazy as hell, and all of that is fairly dark. Especially the end, when he think's it's going to be OK because he's a minor. He looks all psycho as they put him in the car, thinking he'll be out soon and they'll be together, so all the *beep* he did was worth it...

I am the suppressed darkness inside of you


I wouldn't really say its a dark comedy. Its just alot more subtle than pretty much every other teen comedy ever made. The comedy lies in one liners, awkward moments and odd characters rather than gross out gags, profanity and practical jokes... Not that there's anything wrong with that kind of comedy.

Great film.

Judas Priest Cult #2
let the mass begin....
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch


I wouldn't call this a dark comedy. It was kind of like Napoleon Dynamite. It was an extremely stylized comedy.

After everything I heard about this film I was extrememly hesitant to order it onDemand but there was legit nothing else, and I was pleasantly surprised. Cera delivers a slight variation on his typical performance and it's enjoyable to hear him as Francois. His phone call to the police was hysterical.

I also loved him as Nick and did not at all mind the unrealistic dialogue; "Thank you Trent for that unsolicited council. Kindly drop dead."

I find it odd that movie goers en masse will suspend disbelief enough for giant blue aliens to run amuck on Pandora, but do not realize this movie was not at all a realistic approach to a done and done again teen movie premise.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


I think the reason so many people are bashing this movie is because for the most part, Michael Cera has mainly been in the same type of movie over and over again. Goofy teenage comedies. When people saw the previews for this or heard about it and saw that Cera was in it, they saw it expecting the same type of film. Upon watching it, they see it's not that sort of film at all and thus begin to bash it for not being what they wanted.

The film was a nice surprise to me. I also went into it thinking it was going to be like all his other films and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't. Cera doesnt have the greatest range as an actor but I applaud him for doing a different sort of film and breaking out of that boring teenage stuff.

This movie was very funny and underrated.


this isnt a dark comedy, whats dark about it
