MovieChat Forums > Youth in Revolt (2010) Discussion > just because the characters are pretenti...

just because the characters are pretentious,

doesn't mean the movie is

i think a lot of people bashing this film fail to realise that it's MOCKING the annoying "indie flick" cliche

the sophomoric name-dropping demonstrates how clueless the poseur children really are. i mean, cmon, who mistakes the director of their own supposed favourite movie? if THAT didn't tip you all off to the fact that the entire thing is supposed to be a joke, i don't know what would have



I'm going to turn over a new leaf in Spain. I'm going to turn over several new leaves.


I suppose we are also to take Twilight as a parody of romantic movies, considering how unrealistic its characters are.

But seriously now, pretentiousness can really ruin a movie. Hard candy came close to being really bad... despite the unrealisic depiction of a teenage girl, the plot managed to save it, so it was still good. Not the same case on this one, I guess.


No, Hard Candy was really bad. I didn't like the plot, and - tone aside - the treatment was bone-crushingly abrasive, tactless.

Edit: this is my opinion, I don't expect others to agree with me. Clearly my IMDb stalker 'V P' doesn't, but then that's his mental illness talking.

***damn, there's my [ignored] stalker again. Hope he's setting all things to right and not wasting his time, not being too lame.***

There's some mistake. I'm not a member of the Columbian Record Club....


by EnsconcingCloakSwaddler 6 days ago (Thu Jul 22 2010 00:24:31) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

... The onus is one the debaser to prove why his subject is fair game for debasing...
No, Hard Candy was really bad. I didn't like the plot, and tone aside the treatment was bone-crushingly abrasive, tactless.
We're waiting for your proof.


Edit: this is my opinion, I don't expect others to agree with me. Clearly my IMDb stalker 'V P' doesn't, but then that's his mental illness talking.
Thanks again for proving my point.
***damn, there's my [ignored] stalker again. Hope he's setting all things to right and not wasting his time, not being too lame.***
Still haven't learned the meaning of ignore?


Federico Fellini, Kenji Mizoguchi and YasujirĂ´ Ozu were my favourite movie directors, but by the time I was 2 years old, I found more interesting authors.



I don't know that this movie is a spectacular success, but I wouldn't use the word "pretentious" to describe it. It's just too weird for that. I mean what exactly is movie pretending or trying unsuccessfully to be?

Also, has anyone actually read the book. I haven't read this book, but I do read books, and when a movie tries to faithfully adapt a book, it sometimes comes off as "pretentious" because movies are not generally as intelligent as books (especially these days).


What part of 'preten' don't some people understand?


I Take that Back
