i couldn't stand either of them
sheeni=total manic pixie dream girl, another female character initially defined by what she likes (omg ~french films and vinyl~) instead of who she is. not to mention the fact that she TAKES HIM BACK after finding out that he was basically having her DRUGGED? that's creepy as hell and i would get a restraining order.
nick=obsessive idiot who did incredibly dumb things just to be with this girl who wouldn't even put in half the effort to be with him that he did for her. all she did was lie back and wait for nick to blow something up or steal a car. she contributed NOTHING.
it might be a little more believable if we actually got to see their relationship develop in the least. instead we just see them make out in the woods and all of a sudden they're star-crossed lovers.
tl;dr this is a very poor rant but the character of sheeni was so obnoxious and made sam from garden state look like, uh, i dunno, someone with a really great and developed personality. whoever you may think that might be.
"Oh my God, what a horrible photograph. My first wanted poster and I look just awful."