In the book

Of all the four books which plot was your favourite and least favourite?

For me it's probably.
Favourite: Bridget in book two when she goes to Alabama.
Least favourite: Tibby in book four. Seriously just take a day after pill (or whatever it's called in English)

Edit: I saw now that there's a fith book so if you want to include any part from that one. Feel free.


I HATE the 5th book!!! I'm so sorry I ever read it. My favorite for each character was. Carmen, book 1. I really liked her when she was a bit younger. I also liked it when she was with Winn. (That was his name right? I haven't read them in a while.) Lena. I loved Lena's a Kostas story in book 1. I also loved her story in book 5. She's mainly the reason I finished it. Tibby, well. I loved her in all of them for different reasons. Once her & Brien were together it was even better. With Bridget. I LOVED when she went to Alabama in the second book. My all time favorite. I wish they would have made the move reflect the grandma better though. She seemed sweeter in the books. Not so tough.
