Not heard of the Bee Gees?
Thanks to VH1 for showing this one.
I totally missed this one and caught it by accident on VH1.
I'm an Hispanic/American that loves 70's disco (dance for those that can't stand the word) music although you can debate whether it's disco or funk that you hear in this movie (I think funk is more accurate). I really liked this movie.
Perhaps not a great film. There was something very predictable about the story line and characters but I think that's part of the late 70's feel because what seems predictable here were the themes in the movies of that time: Rocky, Saturday Night Fever, American Graffiti to name a few. The themes [or the familiarity of the themes] plus the look of the film made it a really good recreation of the era.
Can anyone imagine a time when kids didn't walk around with their fingers on a cell phone or mini electronic device.
I'd like to ask how can these kids not have heard of the Bee Gees? With all the talk about Saturday Night Fever that was going around at that time. Even the characters mock Troy by comparing him to "John Travolta". At that time you'd mention Travolta and you think of the SNF and subsequently - Bee Gees music. Then later when their contest music is used and they try to pick another one to perform with, the Bee Gees is mentioned, the other character says no that his "cousin has that one".
Also, weren't some of the skaters a little ahead of time with some of that breakdance rolling on the floor moves?
All in all it was a great return to an era and the music I love. Thank you to the filmmakers.