this has nothing to do with being black. this movie was just stupid. however, that is simply my opinion, which i am entitled to, as all of you here are entitled to say that you enjoyed it. i bet if you went across imdb site-wide, youd find that the majority of movies released (spiced black, white, latino, western, romance, etc.) are rated low. this is due to the fact that most movies are wastes of time. if the majority of movies were good, then we would like every movie and never have favorites. im white and friday is probably the funniest movie of all time, not because of its "blackness," but because it is simply a funny ass movie. also remember that to vote, all you have to do is click a sure theres people that just down-vote movies because they are lowlives with nothing better to do. such is life. im just tired of hearing people bitch about racism when something/someone doesnt agree with their beliefs. just because i think roll bounce is a dumb movie and that bow wow couldnt act his way out of a paper bag doesnt mean i hate all "black" movies, "black" urban culture, or black people in general. and just because the majority of voters thinks this movie sucks too doesnt make them racists. ill make this point...if you think that this movie deserves a 6.5, and friday is a hundred times funnier than roll bounce, then how do you show how much better friday is within the voting system? because friday certainly isnt a 10, but to rate it a 6.8 or a 7 when roll bounce is a 6.5 just isnt indicative of how much better friday is. see what im getting at? its all relative! thank you and good day, all.