A few questions...

Those "moles". Were the offspring of the mutantaroos?
Because if so, that would mean the uglies are doing the good ole bangin', eh?

Towards the end of the movie. Where did the infected girl run to?
And insiders with info, or speculations even?

An what would she turn to? The creatures in the cave adapted to the cave -
i.e., no light, humid env, etc.
She's out of the cave though, on the surface, what would she mutate into?


I'm sorry, I got bored after the word 'Moles'.


You are excused then.
P.S. I already fed you in your facepalm worthy thread, what are you doing here anyhow then?


Dude, learn how to spell, and learn how to use grammar. And make a sentence flow. So people know what the F you're talkin about. That helps usually.


And also....."Where did the infected girl run to??"???? Are you serious?? Do you understand how movies work?? Like AT ALL?? Lol, seriously. Ok, I'll explain to you like I would a 4 year old. It doesn't really matter where she ran to. The point of it was that she is infected, and is going to turn into one of those monsters. And she's then going to infect others. See, in the cave, the monsters were contained. Now that it's out, and she's going to be one of them, she's going to turn other's into the same thing. Thereby basically possibly infecting the whole planet. So it doesn't matter where she ran to. The point is that the parasite is out of the confinement of the cave. And can now spread. I seriously don't understand how you don't get that. "Where did she run to?"? What a maroon.


maroon is a nice color
