MovieChat Forums > Boston Legal (2004) Discussion > Time for this show to come back?

Time for this show to come back?

For the last couple of seasons this show became an anti-bush podium and when Obama won it ended. It seemed a bit like "mission accomplished, let's quit." but 4 years later,

-Obama's health care plan was proposed exactly like that by republicans in the 90s and mainly increased the profits of the Health Insurance companies (Still no public option)
-Obama has deported more immigrants than Bush
-Obama has reduced the amount of government employees and the effective tax rate has gone down for the rich
-Obama has been more aggressive against marijuana than Bush and hired a former Bush employee in a key position for drug law enforcement
-Obama has done little to regulate wall street and blocked some key legislation that would have regulated it

In short, he has not done half as much as he promised or as people expected. The only difference is that hardly anybody protests because everybody knows that a republican president would be even worse and they are scared that criticism might move swing voters to the reps.

So I think that this show should come back for a final season and mention some of that. Show intellectual honesty, be as open about the shortcomings of this government like you were about those of the last one.
