How did William Shatner not win an Emmy for this episode?
I watched this episode last night, and remembered the first time I watched it years ago too. Its in season 3, Episode 18 (I think) when he takes on a first degree murder case and is determined to feel he is still in the game and relevant.
Shatner was brilliant in this episode! It just stuck out to me how he played the emotions of Crane's character: the boisterous confident attorney, and then in his darkest moments struggling to come to grips with the case and doubting himself too. The scene at the end after the verdict when he is alone in the room after greeting the press: excellent!
Well, I just think he was great in this episode and yes, granted I maybe haven't seen the other nominees/winner of the Emmy for Best Supporting Actor in that particular year, but Shatner surely would've received some sought of consideration for this strong performance.