Why wasn't Alan a partner?
It was never even mentioned in the entire 5 seasons - not once by anybody.
How do I know he wasn't? Well, for starters, on the first episode when he sits down in the staff meeting, Brad tells him he outranks him, and a few episodes down the line, Brad makes partner. This implies that Alan was not yet a partner. Then I believe, though I could be mistaken on this one, that when Alan goes into the partners meeting to fight for Jerry to become partner, he is told he can't be there because it is a partner's only meeting.
What bothers me about him not being partner, despite his perhaps not being there as long as others were (though who would know with all the comings and goings, but I digress), and despite his being sort of a loose-cannon rebel, is that he is THE go-to guy. Any time ANYone needs help - a named-partner, a judge - they ALL go to Alan. So if Alan is Crane, Poole, and Schmidt's Ace in the Hole, why is he not partner?
It just bugs me that it was a non-issue, since it was THE issue for several episodes with other attorneys there.
Perhaps someone can shed some light.
...don't just laugh. Answer the pepperoni.