MovieChat Forums > Boston Legal (2004) Discussion > A bit disheartening to watch the show no...

A bit disheartening to watch the show now.

Watching the show again and I am just disheartened by the fact that not nearly enough has changed since this show aired. Despite multiple changes in political power in both the presidency and the legislature, we are still dealing with a divided, unkind country that is so busy squabbling and taking rights away from people that we are too busy to care that our government is still spying on us.

In The Morning!


When the show first aired I never watched it for the serious issues you me it was almost "Star Trek: The Alternate Generation" as it had Shatner still chasing women and being funny.

A couple of weeks back I got the complete DVD set of Boston Legal (for only $75) and love I am not disheartened by the show now.


I agree (very disheartening that little has changed and that we have, if anything, gone backwards, what with poverty being at record-high levels, thanks to a deregulation-mad GOP and the financial crisis it caused).

Nothing will change in this nation until we have significant campaign-finance reform, because the current system lets the affluent -- individuals, as well as special-interest groups -- have all the influence.

If you want this nation ever to be a democracy, work for campaign-finance reform. We need public-only funding for every federal office and state legislature. Period. No exceptions.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


As long as people blame less government on poverty, poverty will increase.


As long as people blame less government on poverty, poverty will increase.

Yes, because the financial sector historically has done so well for the country when left to its own devices. I guess it's because they are so invested in community, patriotism, the common good and altruism over self interest.

Only a truly stupid breed of parasite bleeds the host dry. It seems that's what we have. Regulations just keep that in check. Without it we get recessions like the last one. The next one we may never recover from but by all means, keep thinking that less regulation is the answer.

