MovieChat Forums > Boston Legal (2004) Discussion > I hate how all the characters disappear ...

I hate how all the characters disappear inexplicably

Lori, Sara, Garrett, Claire, Clarence, Lorraine, Whitney, Chelina, Rachel, Melissa, Donny, Holly... the list keeps going.


Me too.


Holly and Donny weren't even regular characters. I think they were in 4 episodes each, so to say they inexplicably disappear doesn't make sense. But I agree that all these characters did disappear quickly. I always said that this is a big law firm with hundreds of lawyers, so these characters are probably still with the firm. The writers could have easily fixed that by simply referring to them every once in a while - i.e. "I have Garrett working on a little research."

With Lori, it was mentioned in season 2 that she was deftly ushered out.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


The way characters disappeared and storylines were left hanging spoilt BL for me and as time went on this got worse.


Just out of curiosity, which storylines were left hanging? Off hand I can't think of any that went unresolved.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


I haven't rewatched BL for some time so I'm going by memory. There was a case where Denny and Alan were defending a young woman and didn't think they'd win. After she'd visited them Alan said "She's insane." and there was a shot of her listening outside the door and looking furious. That storyline just disappeared. There were others but I'd really have to rewatch all the seasons.

There was also the way they dealt with Season 1 being cut short and five(?) episodes being scrapped. In the preview at the end of the last episode shown Lori was intending to sue Denny Crane for sexual harassment and the relationship between Alan and Chelina looked as though it might get serious but at the beginning of Season 2 there was no mention of either of these storylines. Admittedly both actresses were no longer available but surely a writer as skillful as David E Kelly could have avoided a complete break between what was promised in the preview and what we actually saw at the beginning of Season 2.


Well, in fairness to the Alan/Chelina storyline, they did kind of fix it later in Season 2 when she showed up.

Chelina: "Last time I saw you..."
Alan: "I believe it was a Sunday, then I was taken off the air, you went on to do movies, and here we are with leftover footage."

LOL, so their relationship couldn't develop because Chelina left to do movies.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh



One that comes to mind for me was in season 1 with Monica Potter and her therapist. Long story short (and obvious spoilers), her therapist is advising a guy who starts threatening his ex in the therapy sessions. The therapist tells Monica Potter, and they tell the ex wife (by coincidence, the firm is also representing her). The guy shows up at her house and she shoots and kills him. The episode ends with the ex wife asking Monica Potter whether she needs a lawyer and with Monica and Paul Lewiston (who knows the whole story and was ethically bound to disclose) in serious jeopardy of being disbarred. Roll credits.

Next episode, everything is back to normal.

I'm your Huckleberry.


The Actor who played Garret died, thus why he was left out later. I think they felt mentionign him woudl perhaps upset the family of the actor.

That said, some of the uresolved issues, such as the Insane woman, were only there to build up suspence and throw the Audience off, because you'd think she did it. The reaosn it ws unresolved is ebcause in the course of the case It was Revealed that the Woman she was accused of murderign had Commited SUicide, and her Husband tried to cover this up to win the Insurance Money which is bnullified by such an act.

The Fury she felt was simply there to shwo that she was the likly killer.

So, I think that one was cropped when it was revealed she wasn't.


Justin Mentell who played "Garret" died in February 2010 but he left the cast of Boston Legal in 2006.


Also! That one season 3 girl in the yellow dress that lasted two or three episodes. Forgot her name.


I agree.


Nia Long.

It was a policy in this show to have "guest appearances". Nia Long, Kerry Washington and Parker Posey played characters who had supposedly joined CP&S, only to have them leave after a few episodes and their storyline abruptly terminated. This was particularly so with "the Squid" (Parker Posey) who began with what promised to be a sizzling sexual relationship with Alan Shore, only to have this peter out before her sudden departure to another branch of the firm.



I absolutely agree. But these things happen, it's the name of the game.

Unfortunately the show never did amazing in the ratings, and when that happens the network needs to decide how to switch it up. Sometimes they use focus groups to decide which characters don't fit or are "weak."

Clearly the network thought it would be best to turn over the characters a bunch of times.. eventually it got kind of desperate and the show really falls off in Season 5 with many episodes just containing Denny and Alan.

It's a real shame though, I thought they had a very nice set of core characters. Definitely the wrong choice to try and boost ratings.


they got ride of a lot of great characters and kept jerry. nuff said.

I'm taking my talents to South Beach.



In Season 3, Angel of Death, when Coho is trying to date Denise, he asks why she doesn't like him: Do you not like me because I come off as kind of a slick snake oil salesman? Is it because I get a dopey bit of a Baby Huey expression on my face? The way I dress? My hair? The Elvis sideburns?

I'm convinced this is an in joke and what it's really all about is the reactions of a focus group to the Coho character.

If viewers don't like the characters they'll change channel; that's why there are focus groups for reactions to the characters; if a character isn't liked, he or she is gone. It's pure economics.


I just watched the special features for Season 3 and the explanation might be even simpler: a lot of characters were only written for 3 episodes in the first place.



They always did a bad job, a few times notwithstanding, of writing characters off of the show.

Lori was exceptionally offensive given how much she had contributed to the first season. She helped saved Denny's career in the middle of the season, thus when she turned on him it was wildly interesting. Seeing that get no development whatsoever in the second season was disappointing.

Garrett was more frustrating than Sara (who was beautiful, but little more than Sally Heap 2.0) in that with his more devious schemes came off as the new Alan Shore. One of his tricks was used late by Denny (editing videos into a montage to make a point). I thought there was more to his character.

Claire's disappearance really angered me, given how interesting I found her and Clarence's subplot. It was snubbed without an explanation and that's too bad. Clarence's disappearance was evident in the fourth season, as he was included in no more than 7 or 8 episodes. When he was gone, so anticlimactically, I almost stopped watching.

I can't remember Holly, Chelina I understood (she's getting famous), but Melissa, after all Alan had done of her, should not have been mysteriously dropped. And I cannot believe they took Lorraine off. I also thought Rachel would have more of an ultimate effect on Paul or Brad. I guess not.

I also didn't appreciate the ways that Paul, Brad, Denise, and Jeffery were taken off of the show. Considering Paul's importance since the pilot, they should have given him a proper write off. Brad as well, his new job should have come with an explanation. I personally thought they could've done off Jeffery Coho, during the "Lincoln" storyline, while he tried to save Shirley. Were they took his character was random and unnecessary.


"Claire's disappearance really angered me, given how interesting I found her and Clarence's subplot. It was snubbed without an explanation and that's too bad. Clarence's disappearance was evident in the fourth season, as he was included in no more than 7 or 8 episodes. When he was gone, so anticlimactically, I almost stopped watching."

I completely agree. I loved the Claire/Clarence characters and their storylines. I just started watching season 5 and I'm like...where the hell is Claire?! I don't know if I will be able to continue watching.



Oops, I meant season 4! Claire was interesting. At first she seemed a little one dementional, kind of like the loud, ball busting, confrontational girl, but her character progressed nicely, and other elements were added to that strong character. I think her relationship with Clarence was just really 'nice.' it was something to break up the sex-fuelled relationships of the other characters. They are always fun, but this was something that was genuine and sweet.
Katie does seem nice, and seems to have that 'quiet strength' going on. I haven't seen a lot of her yet. Lorraine comes off as a typical 'Alan Shore' girl so far.

