Ninja Gaiden Black

Ninja Gaiden Black has been announced!

Ninja Gaiden Black is the director's cut of Ninja Gaiden. Tomonobu Itagaki and Team Ninja have spent some time making the game even better. In his own words, a thank you note to fans and some encouragement to follow them to Xbox 360.

Among the improvements, the camera and the speed of the gameplay have been improved, a lot of new enemies and weapons have been added and boss fights are tougher. Bosses like Alma and Murai will now be joined by some of the level's enemies (Alma will be joined by sewer fiends and Murai by white ninjas). A fight against a clone Ryu has been added.

One of the major changes is two new difficulty settings. Ninja Dog for those who think Normal is too hard and Ninja Master, for those who think very hard is too easy. Itagaki says that less than a thousand players in America will finish the game in the Master Ninja setting.

Also added are the Hurricane packs, for those users without Xbox live. A new mode (called missions) will be added with 50 missions.

The release date is set to August for the current Xbox, not Xbox 360. It will hit stores with a discount price, not the full price as if it were a new release.

Personally, I can't wait.
I'm fluent in English, Spanish and Bitch.



Totally. They rule!
I'm fluent in English, Spanish and Bitch.


i'll be one of those thousands, but i don't live in america.

alma on very hard, chapter 7? i beat her without a scratch.
i'm schooled by the master, shinobier, all creds to him.

however all masters get slayed by their students.

"i pity ye humble"


Wow! Alma on very hard? You beat her without a scratch? My respect to you. Let's see what you think of the Master Ninja difficulty setting when Ninja Gaiden Black comes out.

Shinobier is a true master. I have heard a lot about him and all the impressive records he has set.
Find the cure for cancer and AIDS, not for impotence.



hehehehe Itagaki says that less than a 1000 people will be able to finish the game on Master Ninja setting in the US.
Keep your heart full of love, your mind full of wisdom and your soul full of peace.


Now that's a good idea putting an easier difficulty setting in it. I might even actually get it. I liked the game but the difficulty is what made me hate it. Now maybe I can play it and have fun and see why so many people praise it. I don't think I'm alone when I say the game's frustrating pedigree was a turnoff. Thanks Itagaki for listening to the fans.

And to the people who are going to play on Master Ninja, more power to you! Much respect. Hell I respect whoever can play it with no sweat on normal.


Yes drdeathray! You should get it, it's going to be amazing. An easier setting for all those people who thought it was too hard, plus the hurricane packs and mission mode with 50 missions. I can't wait.
Keep your heart full of love, your mind full of wisdom and your soul full of peace.




I think it will be a single disc. I don't think it would take more than one. I have really heavy games (heavy in content) and they all fit in one disc. Think Halo for example, those graphics, the levels, the multiplayer options, etc. Need for Speed Underground 2 features a huge city, lots of parts, cars, shops, etc and it's all in one disc.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever seen more than 1 disc in an Xbox game. Are there any two disc games?

The collector's edition for Halo 2 comes with 2 discs, but one is a video DVD with special features.
Keep your heart full of love, your mind full of wisdom and your soul full of peace.
