Hardest Game?

Maybe for the X-Box, however there are many games harder than this. The old school NES games were incredibly difficult. Master Blaster, Festers Quest, and Castlevania come to mind. The hardest game ever made was Ikari Warriors, without the continue cheat one can't even beat the first level with three lives. I think the ability to save your game on the new systems makes the games so much easier. Almost all the old NES games did not give a player the ability to save, maybe a few continues but otherwise most games only gave three lives to complete the entire game, that was the challenge and when videogames were hard. Damn I miss the good old days.


some nes game were totally impossible, really



Oh my god, I thought I was the only one who thought Ikari Warriors was the hardest thing ever. Most people I have talked to haven't even heard of it. Each level in the game takes at LEAST 2 hours to finish and there is constant gunfire and explosions all around you. Even if you use cheats you still can't beat it unless you have unlimited patience. Even if you play with 2 people, one person can get stuck behind something and you have no other choice but to turn the game off. No one has ever legitemately beat that game. No one. I'd say the second hardest NES game is Ghosts 'N Goblins.
