MovieChat Forums > Ninja Gaiden (2004) Discussion > Wouldn't this make a TIGHT movie?

Wouldn't this make a TIGHT movie?

Just think about it. If they did it, they would have to adapt the story from the Xbox version. which is basically the regular Ninja Gaiden story, as it is a remake of the first. A MUST-HAVE character in there would definetly be Machine Head, the hefty-cyborg security guard boss on the Skies of Vengeance. That guy is SUPER FRESH, even though he can be a pain in the arse to fight.

It'd certainly be a box-office HIT, if it were made just right. Plenty of heart-pounding action, special FX that would be OFF THE CHAIN, ninjas, monsters, enviroments....they just need to do it. Right away.

If we'd want any of that, though, we better pray Uwe Boll dosen't get to it first, lol.


I was thinking exactly the same think from the cutscene they look soooo realistic, It would be great!


agreed. but it will probably end up as a bad action-only movie.

if they can do a good job on it though, with some purpose (other than revenge)..and put in some well intentioned/well reasoned emotions...

then maybe.

but who would ryu be? if anyone says jet li i'll book a flight to wherever that it is you live, and kick the living crap out of you....

i would say someone like keanu reeves (OBSERVE, LIKE keanu reeves).

keanu reeves is too tall and his motions/movements don't fit.

start with the face, it's the most important feature on this character, + the eyes.......

because if this would be a movie, it would need attention, and attention it will bring through big actors. johnny depp could fit, good height for the role, dark, and could be seen as "oriental".. maybe. ryu isn't oriental in the games.. he looks like a bit of a mix (although it's a game i know :)




I have always wanted to know what a ninja gaiden movie would be like. I don't know about others, but i think it will look better in cg since the games cut scenes look like they are from one. Wouldn't that be great?


let just hope that doa movie does well at the boxoffice.


it wount


There's probably some movie exec out there mulling it over, but it's sort of a dubious prospect. The plot of the game, while rather good for a game plot, might look a wee bit strange as a feature film. What novel plot arcs does it really offer, after all? Doku is more or less a Darth Vader clone, the emporer himself isn't really a character, and I have to imagine that anything with the sisters would probably be a bit embarassing. The Murai betrayal would be a fairly lukewarm twist ending, as far as twist endings go. Overall, the tone of the story is much more somber than your typical Hollywood fare, without offering much to be somber about besides some fairly standard mystical ninja cliches. Would they change the mood, throw some jokes in? If so, it would be stranger still. The "Mortal Kombat" movie comes to mind...

Could it be good? Yes, I suppose anything's possible. But it's more likely to be bad than good. It would take a really talented writer to put something together, and my guess is that the chances of a really good writer getting involved in this kind of project are slim. It's possible that the original NES game would offer more as a movie plot, but even that's a little thin. Most movies based on video games are pretty bad; I don't see this as a likely exception.


Ditto. Movies based on games usually becomes crap. They become "Hollywooded".
Aaaargh. Example:

"So how 'bout this Hayabusa guy?"
"I dont like the name. Change it to Hecklepecker."
"B-but sir, the fans-"
"The fans aint gonna give me money! Now how about abilities?"
"He is a ninja, isnt that enough?"
"Hell no. Add this to the "to do"-list: Ultra-mega laserbeam firing eyes. The eyes must be red. He must be able to transform himself into a giant skeleton dragon warrior. AND he must be able to go back in time."
"Nothing... Anything you'd like to change about the story?"
"What is a story?"
"Oh nevermind...Actors?"
"I was thinking Vin Diesel as Hecklepecker and Will Smith as Murai."
"Sir, are you sure-"
"Of course I'm sure! Now go get me some MONEY! Hehehe..."

And the movie would be crappy and it would have nothing to do with Ninja Gaiden at all.

Cant wait to see Splinter Cell: The movie though...

