MovieChat Forums > Ninja Gaiden (2004) Discussion > Did Anyone Just Give Up? Or even finish ...

Did Anyone Just Give Up? Or even finish it?

I was soo hyped about this game, and once i bought it, i felt sooo stupid. The game is ridiculously hard. I couldnt get pass the second level(the level with the enemies on the horses), so i decided to give up. For me, it was a terrible buy. I tried Devil May cry 3 and that was even harder without cheats, but i had codebreaker for that, so i had infinite health and all that crap. Thats right, i use cheat codes, and im not ashamed of it. Its only a videogame. If there was a gameshark or codebreaker for the XBOX, i'd totally buy it and then i could finally beat Ninja Gaiden.



I don't think he has Ninja Gaiden black


Whats ninja dog?

Im referring to the original ninja gaiden for the XBOX that came out in 2004.


Its not THAT hard unless you try it on the hard mode. And ninja dog is one of the ranks you can get when you complete each level.

"Yes, dudes and dudettes! Major league butt-kicking is back in town!"


Well, i guess im not patient enough to get my ass handed to me 10 times before i can actually beat a level.




Well, i guess im not patient enough to get my ass handed to me 10 times before i can actually beat a level.

Then, don't you ever buy Dead or Alive 4.

Ninja Gaiden was a hard but beautiful and fair game. DOA4 is just cheap and crappy.
Keep your heart full of love, your mind full of wisdom and your soul full of peace.


The new "Ninja Gaiden" is indeed a very challenging game (the old NES titles were challenging too, but not quite as much as the Xbox title). You must be fairly skilled at games to be able to beat it, it's not a game for newcomers. You must be patient, and learn the tricks of the trade. Have you checked out They have a lot of helpful tips, tactics and walkthroughs, you should look at it if you need detailed help. Honestly, unless you're just looking for a serious challenge, stay off of any of the other difficulty modes besides normal. Yes, the new update of "Ninja Gaiden", called "Ninja Gaiden Black", has the option for an easier mode (though they fill you with much shame to use it!).

Basically, I can sum up the horsemen in the Hayabusa village like this: use your bow and arrows to defeat them. Stand by the ninja corpse which has the unlimited arrows in it, and then you can quickly and easily replenish your arrow supply when you get low. Just fire away; don't use the up close aiming, just keep firing, you'll just hit the horsemen eventually, and you have unlimited arrows this way. When the horsemen get near you, try to stay on the block, especially for the onces with lances, as they will spear you for a lot of damage, but they can't hurt you if you're blocking. Sometimes, when they turn around near the rocks, you can get in some quick hits with your sword on them from behind. When you finally dismount the samurai, then take them out with your sword. They always land on the ground when you dismount them/kill their horse, so if they land near you, use the Fiend Sealer move (just press Y near a downed enemy) and it should instantly kill them. You should practice up on fighting horsemen, because if you're having great difficulty with these horsemen here, then you will have a lot of trouble with the boss of Chapter 2, who is also a horseman, so practice up here. "Ninja Gaiden" is really not a difficult game once you learn it, and practice up. But as I said, you must be patient enough for this, or you will not be successful. Hope this helps.



I have beaten Ninja gaiden black a few times on normal in practice for the harder difficulties and have beaten a number of the missions. i knew this game was gonna be insane and my times of playing devil may cry were training for this game. sure there were times i have to fight the ssame boss 5 maybe 30 times to get it right but i got faster and more skilled and giveing up is never a good option especily since this game gets bad ass as you go on in the levels.



It was , a hard game ,

and man
yes its just a game, but if you gave up , on a game you cant beat , then you will give up on many things...

Go home, loser...

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i went through two control pads completing the first game about a year ago, i'm not easily frustrated usually but this game got to me. i got black a few days ago and walked through it on normal difficulty, now i'm doing it in hard mode and enjoying it, the single missions are good too, also very frustrating.

"this is not nam dude, this is bowling, there are rules."






please do not give up!! use a walkthrough for tips on fighting< bosses<chests etc cause this game rocks!! it took mee +/- 23!!!!! hours to finish but it was so wurth it!! cause when you finish the game and hold left trigger when you select new game you get a new suit + plasma saber wich is so cool! crappyest boss was alma took me 23 try`s to beat her!! dont give up or youll miss the best game of this genre on xbox!!

