I learned

lol nice subject eh, but its true i really got a lot of patience plaiyng this game. I guess after the repeated killing my couch by punhcing it to death i finally strted accepting failure, then i finally beat this a$$ of a game and im proud, so did any one learn anything from this ba$tard of a game?



ive beaten it on ninja dog and normal ican't even get past the first boss on hard meh, can someone name off the costumes i see there is 4 but i only have two



Oh, you're playing Black. The order of getting those costumes is this:

Red Muffler: Clear Normal
Ryuken: Clear Hard
Comic: Clear Very Hard
DOA: Beat Eternal Legend in Mission Mode.

I'm gonna get you, like a spaceboy. Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!


thx man , has anybody here actually beat the game on hard or all the missions or anything cus i gave up after a month of no progress


I've beaten it on Hard, and am midway-to-three-quarters-of-the-way through "Very Hard". And then I have "Master Ninja" to complete...

"Stay back, boy. This calls for divine intervention!"

