This fanfiction is an epic story of Ryu Hayabusa and his adventures during Ninja Gaiden and after Ninja Gaiden. He finds himself in erotic encounters with the women of Dead or Alive. And yes, Rachel is in it, but not until later chapters. It's called Ninja Gaiden Koibito by Tycho Koibito means Lovers It's written by someone named Tycho
I'm not trying to sound like a crybaby, but I think it's unfair that there are all these topics on this game and I happen to have no replies. Besides, I'm trying to promote this piece of fiction that Tycho wrote. He worked really hard on this story. There are 30 chapters so far. I am dead serious! To me it's cruel for a great piece of work to go unnoticed. Sure, it's an "adult story", but there's some strong love connections and character development in it. A fanfic like that rarely comes along. It's not one of those PIPs. Plus, for all of you whiners who say, "Oh, Rachel and Ryu didn't hook up at the end of Ninja Gaiden", the two characters do hook up in later chapters.It's not written by someone at Team Ninja or anyoneone like that, but the author is extremely faithful to the games that the story is based on. And for those people who have no comments on topics that you wrote, try to persuade these people into replying like I did just now. Anyway I hope to read your replies soon and enjoy the story of Ninja Gaiden Koibito!
Thank you for replying. Remember to tell your friends about it if they are interested in these sort of things. Once you've read more, tell me what your favorite chapter is. Me, I like them all.