This has been my favorite game since it was on Super NES. - They wern't as hard, but I love storyline games and NG can be credited for starting off good storyline video games. - Only think is that I have both NG and NG Black for XBOX 360. - What's mess up is that you can unlock these NES classics on the the XBOX versions, but they won't play on the 360. - On NG Black - you can unlock the Arcade version and it works on the 360, but the Arcade version sucks and is harder than the 360 version.
But one thing I have never seen or heard any one claim - Is that they beat all the missions.
NG doesn't have them, but NG Black and NG Sigma for PS3 - Have the Missions and they are hard as hell!
If someone has beat them - they need to post it on youtube or something - because it has to be an amazing feat. - I honestly don't think Tecmo designed it to be beaten.
"And what was it last time? Didn't know what the box was?" - The Female Cenobite in Hellbound