In the closet?

Why was Judie putting her collages in the closet? They had one pretty clear shot of one. It was pretty awesome. She was talented. She could have done something more with them.



I think it was in the closet to show how much her husband is holding her back. They do the same thing every day and there is no excitement, they don't go to london or listen to music on the porch while drinking wine. I think in the end when he started to do his own dishes, they should have shown her hanging her pieces on the wall, to show that they have made some progress in the relationship.


I got the impression she didn't see herself as very valuable. Lord knows her hubby didn't treat her as such. I also wondered if she thought she should be creating "beauty" in a world that was still so wracked by 9/11? She was my favorite character in the movie!


I agree, but please be careful about passing blame on her husband. It takes 2 to tango, and she was just as responsible for creating their environment as he was. Although it may be hard to accept, some people are caregivers by nature, and don't modify their actions. The older generation come from a different cultural center. Theirs can be the more traditional marriage where the female is just about everything except the income provider (but still may be), and the male is the income portion. Obviously, this does not work out, especially in today's world (fortunately). Luckily, we live in times where males and females can enter into relationships without these behaviour patterns, and be on a more equal footing.

It appears the they had both given up, or stopped communicating with each other. This happens in marriages and relationships every day. This is one of the reasons for divorce, abuse, etc.

One of the films messages, regarding this couple, IMHO is that it took her stepping outside herself to discover that it is the dead relationship with her husband that is the source of her sadness and lack of fulfillment. When she tried to push him off the bannister, they both realized the problem and perhaps will try to work the problem.


That was the problem, wasn't it!

It's what all the characters had in common - dealing with a tacit conspiracy that has bound the individual hand and foot only to wake up in a Rod Serling nightmare. That is, IF they ever wake up.

Allowing the "great new wonderful" to be perpetrated upon us has delivered an entire population into the Twilight Zone.

Sure, hide the animal skinning how-to book under the bed, talk on your cell phone when an artist is hoping to give you a glimpse into her wonderful vision, keep your creations in a closet, and most of all - transform all aspiration and all that you dream into the unflinching ability to present one insincere, stoney expression that perverts a smile into a bid for invisibility and all to plunge a sharpened knifeblade into the heart of passion.

But one truth has been forgotten. Kill the passion and you kill humanity.

The Great New Wonderful will leave your bloated naked body vulnerable to the attack of any oncoming people still united in their shared passion be it right or wrong.

From Revelation 3 - "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth." That is verses 15 and 16, but if you read the whole chapter you can see what to do. Be passionate. Do not fear, do not allow others to be disrespectful of your passion or judge you because your passion lives and breathes. Do not allow others to buy off your passion, it is not for sale.

Stand up for your passion and revel in it along with those who are like-minded.


Look where no one else is looking and see what no one else sees.
