9/11 Movie, Huh

One that doesn't even have a reference to Osama, Muslims, Bush, terrorists, Afghanistan! What narcissistic, soap opera-ish tripe! It would be like having a post Pearl Harbor movie with no mention of Japan, Tojo, Hitler, WWll, Roosevelt or Churchill. This movie is a tribute to NYC intellectual hickishness where the rest of the world only matters in how it affects fashions, Broadway, the stockmarket or their therapy.



If you want a crappy movie re-enacting and trivializing actual horrible events, their are plenty coming out of LA (see Pearl Harbor). The Great New Wonderful is not one of these, it was made in NYC independently, by New Yorkers, for New Yorkers and those from other places that would like to examine and discuss the mind-set of New Yorkers in the aftermath of 9-11. Hold your criticisms until you actually see it, I bet you'd like it.


The film is not about 9/11. It is about people who live in NYC in September of 2002. It is about their lives; how they've changed or haven't changed over the last year. No characters ever talk about 9/11.

These are a few dramatic films that deal directly with the events of 9/11:

"The Guys" with Sigourney Weaver and Anthony LaPaglia (Bill Murray in the stage version)

"DC 9/11: A Time of Crisis" with Timothy Bottoms playing George W.

"Rudy" with James Woods as Giuliani; culminating with the 9/11 attacks.

and most notably:

"The Hamburg Cell", a dramatic film with actors playing the 9/11 terrorists. It centers around the year leading up to September 11th. The film is told through the eyes of the terrorists themselves, attempting to explore the motivation for the attacks. It is scary as hell and undoubtedy fictionalized.



intellectual hickishness would seem to be an oxymoron.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


One that doesn't even have a reference to Osama, Muslims, Bush, terrorists, Afghanistan! What narcissistic, soap opera-ish tripe! It would be like having a post Pearl Harbor movie with no mention of Japan, Tojo, Hitler, WWll, Roosevelt or Churchill. This movie is a tribute to NYC intellectual hickishness where the rest of the world only matters in how it affects fashions, Broadway, the stockmarket or their therapy

What the hell does churchill and hitler have to do with a moivie on pearl harbour ...the only connect hitler has to it is he had tro declare war on the us after it declared war on japan because of the attack but really u can forgoe that in a movie, and church didnt even have that slight a connection with the bombings ... granted with genereal war in the pacific he sorta did but really che couldna given a rats arse about the japs, we (austarlia) had to call back our troops from north africa (including the famed 7th division (the rats of tobruk)) to finght in new guinea against churchills wishes


Ha. The token absurdity of a neo-con. This is probably the kind of guy that spends his entire mornings scanning the New York Times for evidence of bias, or who gets offended when a car doesn't have an American flag sticker on the back.


No, I don't get into all that right wing frothing either, it's not like Fox News or the NY Post are any great outlets either. But if you are going to make a movie about 9/11, wouldn't be good to at least acknowledge the enemy and his motives? They didn't come from a distant galaxy, you know. It just seems like the movie was totally self absorbed with petty little human angst.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.


Perhaps you just posted that reply without actually reading the responses, but several times it was pointed out that this movie IS NOT about 9-11.


"But if you are going to make a movie about 9/11, wouldn't be good to at least acknowledge the enemy and his motives? They didn't come from a distant galaxy, you know. It just seems like the movie was totally self absorbed with petty little human angst."

The movie is not about 9/11. It's about the day-to-day lives of New Yorkers
after. If you want to see a war movie, go rent one.



I'm not siding with the original poster, because I liked the approach of not bringing up 9/11. But ultimately, it was about 9/11. Not the day, the event etc, but the impact it had on New Yorkers daily lives. The reactions in the elevator scene in the elevator wouldn't have occured, had 9/11 not happened.

I don't know about you all...but 5 years later, and I still reflect on it frequently.

I give the filmmakers credit for trying something different, by taking all the symbolism out of the film. I think it's much harder to get at the heart of how it impacts someone, when you take out all mention of the event that had the effect.

"Intellectual Hickishness", definitely an oxymoron. And even if it wasn't...what they heck does that mean?




Some might attack your "provincialism" for saying something like this, but if you scrape away that provincialism angle, you're actually kinda on-target. It's a good way to describe, well, for one thing, the simple fact that after a people around you die, you have to get on with things. And, sure, I'd be dumb to deny that some of that not only LOOKS narcissistic, but even IS narcissistic. And, I'll tell ya, one could easily conclude that the makers of this flick had people like you _in mind_. The flick comes as close as it artfully can to coping to the very idea that the people of New York were a bit too eager (a la George W. "Just Keep Shopping" Bush) to pretend that nothing happened.

And I'd like that. But that 5h1t ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield
