I've also seen the William Hurt movie about Robert Hanssen.
Chris Cooper isn't as famous as William Hurt, but he did a far better job with this character than William Hurt did.
Chris Cooper played him as arrogant (which Robert Hanssen certainly was) and a bit conflicting with his proselytizing Eric and Eric's wife while also wanting the door closed so that he could watch a movie that featured Catherine Zeta-Jones in it.
William Hurt played Robert Hanssen as nerdy and loopy, with an emphasis on loopy. They also portrayed him as being subservient to an over-bearing wife some of the time. Considering the power he had and the things he knew, I found it difficult to imagine Robert Hanssen being hen-pecked by a stay-at-home mom.
It's true that Bonnie Hanssen did catch him trying to write to the Russians after sending information that he claimed was worthless and that she got him to go to a priest to talk about giving the money to charity. I just don't think she browbeat him over the matter (especially since she wouldn't even consider a divorce or an annulment after he was arrested).
I think William Hurt tried to imagine what such a person might be like (religious and breaking legal and moral codes all over the place) and he thought such a guy would spend a lot of time eying the heavens piously when he wasn't arranging for a stripper to have a nice car and an American Express card.
Chris Cooper was better (and far more believable).