MovieChat Forums > Sin City (2005) Discussion > Really Really Didn't like this movie (bu...

Really Really Didn't like this movie (but willing to discuss)

I noticed some former imdb people posted in the last month and 3 new/old threads have been brought back to life so there's some activity.

Full disclaimer, I watch a variety of different films for a variety of different reasons (from recommendations, to being top hits, to good trailers, to random selection).

I also never leave the movie theatre or basically stop watching a movie no matter how bad it is. Mostly because a small amount of movies actually get better after halfway point or things you didn't understand make sense or even a twist makes up for past events. Also even films I don't like I posted on imdb to at least discuss recognizing my opinion is not the be all and end all (sometimes getting a bigger appreciation for a film I didn't like)

This movie unfortunately to me was really bad. Like really really bad. I would have rated it an absolute 0/10 but in the spirit of being nice and finding at least one positive thing I'll give it a final score of 1/10.

The positive part of the film I liked and respected was the jessica alba, bruce willis story. I'd have tremendous respect and appreciation for any women who was saved by someone and if falsely accused for whatever reason by the government, would NOT support it and actually wait for that person's release. But that's all.
Why would anyone then want to kill her when they just wanted the cop to suffer and plead guilty to destroy his reputation and let the yellow guy of the hook (the actual attempted and real rapist). Heck the seedy criminal kept the cop alive (and paid for his surgery) so he could suffer. Also, if they actually want her dead him killing himself would accomplish nothing. In fact, he wouldn't be able to protect her. She clearly was a true and loving partner, and he didn't even try a relationship with her after finding out his wife left him and had children (saying she deserved kids)

The other stories were just AWFUL. The first 1-minute start is a guy who tricks a woman and kills her, I can only conclude he's a hitman. But he disappears for the entire movie showing up only at the end (presumably to kill alexis character)

The prostitutes running their own area and being the law enforcement in their area has some merit but is taken to the absurdity. Man, cops already leave prostitutes alone and don't want to know about their adventures. For example, if she doesn't get paid and beats up her john MOST cops will want nothing to do with it (there not prosecuting the prostitute for an assault on a john most times).
The absurdity is that cops would waive their power in the area to not enter as if it's a prostitute cop zone. That's insane. Cops are Not going to take orders from criminals. Departments are not going to have any agreements with some head of prostitutes in a given area. They also will never waive their power to investigate many crimes in that area that don't pertain to the prostitutes.
Such areas would have high drug usage, can have lots of robberies (7/11s for example) and you think they're going to ignore that because the prostitutes want that? ridiculous

And the middle story of a guy killing people because he hooked up with a prostitute (and didn't know it) is just lunacy. It had no purpose whatsoever. It didn't even try to portray that he was in love with her, but that he was just going to get retribution for her. Heck he would have snapped a lot earlier for someone else getting hurt around him. And also, somehow, he doesn't die until the 50th time he's executed. (Instead of all the gunshot wounds he suffered).

I apologize for this being so long, and that it might have felt like a rant, but I just had to get it all out there. This is my analysis of the film and I'd like to hear any responses for anyone who may have felt differently (and can defend their position) for similar to my point of view.

Even though I don't terminate films in the middle, I don't think I'll be watching the sequel (made 9 years later).

That's my two cents.


Honestly, having read your post earnestly, it seems like this movie just ain’t your cup of tea. And that’s a hundred percent alright.
When I was eleven or twelve, one of my cousins gave me a box of graphic novels he was done with. Along with Watchmen, and The Long Halloween, there were two Sin City books in there, and holy crap if I wasn’t hooked.
I was fifteen-ish when this movie came out, and I was super stoked to see it. It’s over the top and goofy and ridiculous fun, and still one of my favorite movies but mostly because of the nostalgia factor—it reminds me of the gift my cousin gave me back when I was young. I do prefer the books, though I think Robert Rodriguez did a good job of condensing some of the stories into this one film.
If you do give it another try, which I hope you do, try not to take it too seriously. The story isn’t meant to be realistic in any way shape or form. It’s fantasy noir.
Also, you’re not missing anything by avoiding the sequel—you’re better off reading the graphic novels if you are really interested in that world.


The OP’s “2 cents ran on for 10 dollars. *Yawn*
