I just watched the trailer of Fierce People (http://media.movies.ign.com/media/903/903820/vids_1.html) and noticed that in the beginning and the end there are what appear to be well known songs but they're actually messed up versions of them. The music in the beginning seems to be Under Pressure by Queen, and in the end sounds like Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve. Was this done for budget reasons (not having to buy the rights to the actual songs) or does it have a meaning?
Hah! I noticed that too! I was wondering if it was any of the following possibilities: A) as you say, they did not have enough money to buy the rights so they went ahead and copied two songs that are most often recognized in teasers and trailers. but then why not go with a lesser known artist? it wouldn't be as expensive and its better than resorting to a knock-off. or perhaps what happened is B) they actually DID go with a lesser known artist or artists for the soundtrack and those are portions of their songs. So then its the artists themselves who are copycats... but the probability of having a copycat dedicated to cloning both Under Pressure and Bittersweet Symphony seems highly unlikely.
They're two of the most famous examples of ripped off music in the industry. David Bowie and Queen's "Under Pressure" was ripped off by Vanilla Ice for "Ice Ice Baby," and with "Bitter Sweet Symphony" the Verve ripped off an orchestral version of the Rolling Stones' "The Last Time."
Ironic, isn't it? I was annoyed at the blatant "Under Pressure" rip-off, but I was disgusted by the "Bitter Sweet Symphony" rip-off and stopped watching.
It's not a rip off guys, there are several songs in the trailer and what they did is actually switch one cord for the other. Queen's Under Pressure, Iggy Pop's I am A Passanger, Bittersweet Symphony from the Verve, and there are two additional songs in the trailer I can't distinguish something tells me it's a Bowie and Floyd but can't really tell. They did this for a reason.
Quite honestly, I find it interesting. I'd like to find out the other two songs..
Yeah, I noticed it too. :) I'm not sure exactly why they did that. Maybe it was just to catch the audience's attention. I'm not sure why they would have done it without a purpose since those were TWO very popular songs, where they could have just picked a lesser known one. So, I'm guessing it had some meaning. I was thinking maybe it has something to do with the trailer starting out light hearted, almost like a comedy, but it turns out that there's something wrong with the family, something that's out of place. And that would match the music; a popular storyline that turns out to be different then we expected it to be. Or maybe I'm just reading into this a little too much and really was just a rip off. XD
i also had the impression that this was supposed to add to the slightly weird touch of the movie (what i can judge from the trailer, haven't seen the whole film yet...)
does anybody know the rest of the songs?
1) under pressure - queen 2) ?? 3) passenger - iggy pop 4) ?? (it does sound like pink floyd indeed...) 5) bitter sweet symphony - verve
that version of the verve song kinda freaked me out...
The Verve actually ripped off a Rolling Stones track for the strings in their track... As someone mentioned above the songs used in the trailer (or not used) are famous for being ripped off. But these aren't samples, they're slightly modified versions like some advert on TV for carpet or garage doors or something. Tacky to the extreme.