Help Needed

So I am very confused, because I'm reading the book and according to the book, The momther set the house on fire as a suicide attemp, but really Bryce did it? Then was Bryce having a sexual incestual relationship with his and Maya's mother or is that ll just in Finn's head? And who raped Finn and why? Thanks so much!


Finish the book and/or watch the movie adn all your questions will be answered.


bryce was a wack job and so forth..... it was NOT all in finn's head, bryce really did do all of those things. he raped finn because he was upset at the status finn was receiving. finn walked into privileged society (where he did not belong) and everyone loved him. the grandfather preferred finn's company and bryce truly believed in the "tribe" nature of primitive, instant gratification. for instance, you want her, you screw her.... you hate him, you kill him. bryce's character is meant to show that he had no moral compass and was always willing to cross any line, to get what he needed.

bryce did have a sexual relationship with his mother and then tried to kill her, he did beat and rape finn, he screwed with everyone's minds the entire book, but with a flourish of grace and charm. it's believed that he was a bad seed from the beginning, yet because of his wealth, people chose not to believe the certain personality traits that they saw in him. everyone disregarded him as just the common jerk, which only nurtured his twisted thinking and let him get away with whatever he desired.

because the people throughout the book lived privileged lives, no one ever wanted the "truth" to come out. everyone always told a different version of what happened, to make things seem less scandalous. which is why there is always confusion about the fire, the father and so on.


Good post, murdocjax!

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


Thanks for the analysis Murdocjax...I had wondered about those things as well. I had thought that Bryce was jealous at his sister spending time with Finn.
