MovieChat Forums > Fierce People (2007) Discussion > pretty boring. Kind of a spoiler.

pretty boring. Kind of a spoiler.

I was disappointed with the ending. Why did Sutherland have to be murdered by his son?


good job telling me the end. next.


wasnt even his son, was his GRANDson, way to pay attention


Kind of Spoiler - how about DEFINITE WORST KIND OF SPOILER - which actually didn't add much to your original remark which you should just have left it as: "I was disappointed with the ending." Those who have seen the movie won't need reminding about what happened in the ending, so your question would far better have been written as - "why did the son have to do that?

That way, you would have conveyed what you wanted to write, and not given anything away. But some people alas just don't have much of a clue. (sigh)


Let me go ask him!

mmm....padded soft...


Thats weird that the grandson murders Odgen C. Osborne in the movie becuase in the book, he just dies and it is never let on that Bryce killed him, but rather that he died of natural causes


I declare we hae a murderer!
I did, I did I did see a murderer!

mmm....padded soft...


That really ticked me off, too. Now I don't even want to see it. Guess that's why they call them "spoilers."


I don't normally do the "OMG SPOILERS" thing either, but seriously, thanks a pile for your comment. Ugh.


This movie is great...right up to the point where Fin gets raped and it goes off the rails. Why do indie movies think thye have to end with some kind of downer message? And if it was truly indie, fin would have killed his rapist, not held back, like the end of a TV show. What lesson did he learn? Rich people suck? He thought that already at the beginning. Don't trust anyone? He didn't trust anyone at the beginning.
This film goes a big circular nowhere.


I hated the rape also.


Yeah Rape is not entertaining, when will people learn.

mmm....padded soft...


Ok people, this is what you do if you have a spoiler...

Lets just say you were spoiling some movie where the main character "Bob" dies in the end

I can't believe (spoiler)Bob was killed!!!!!(/spoiler)

Replace the () with [] and you get this:

I can't believe Bob was killed!!!!!


Why so sullen Edward Cullen?
