So, Donald Sutherland's character admitted his father bribed a man after setting him up in a sex scandel in order to become a billionaire, so how does he claim in the final letter that he was a person put on the earth to turn bad into good? I didn't see a single thing he did that wasn't for his own pleasure and benefit, did you?
I don't think he meant that he was there to turn bad into good. He said that people like him and Finn were put on earth to show that from bad can come good, as in, the sex scandal and everything was terrible but it made his family rich. I think he was saying that bad things can serve to make good things happen for someone.
I thought he was clearly saying: "I became rich because of a bad thing and so I was put on earth to make something good of it."
But he didn't do anything good, everything he did was selfish, as in closed little world in NJ, lavish lifestyle, completely self indulgent, see's his offspring do horrible things and does nothing about it, etc.
You know what, I think the writers think that a super rich guy that plays around all day in an eccentric manner is "a good and just life", and I just think it's selfish. Hollywood puts out some weird messages.
I'll have to watch the movie again, but I believe he was referring to the supposed good he did in industry and philanthropy, i.e. his empire created jobs, and, he contributed to charity causes.
*** "Nice beaver!" "Thank you, I just had it stuffed."