
I see a lot of people asking "why was he treating his ex wife badly" and similiar questions.

One of the things that I think us, the viewers, should notice is how Jean-do is NOT exactly a good guy. He left his 3 children and their mother (and when he visits them, to them he appears like a film star in his fancy cars and clothes) to carry on with his affairs, feeling and living like a bigshot.
In many ways he's very immature, and VERY child-like (he only really takes care of his father, while he never brings his children to visit their grandfather; his EX WIFE (whom he left) does that!).

But all that is a part of what makes this film interesting. When he ended up in a hospital, no longer could he live his life like this adventure, with no responsibility. So all he has left are his memories (his re-examining of his past deeds) and his imagination (again, the child in him).


A lot of people on this board say Jean-Do was selfish, a womanizer, or something bad like that. But strangely I never had any negative thoughts about him as I watched the movie, and I saw it twice. Maybe it's because his terrible Locked In Syndrome made me feel sorry for him more than anything. (Surely we should feel sorry for ANYONE who's suffering something like that!). I was actually surprised when I first saw comments against Jean-Do on this board.


well this movie was based on a book he wrote, so its more favourable to his views.
but on a similar note - i was just reading wikipedia about the controversy regarding his ex-wife and girlfriend. It says the ex-wife changed the movie to suit her, whereas friends of Jean Do says it was actually his girlfriend that took care of him the entire time he was paralyzed and the wife barely visited.
