has the world lost its values??

"Having a mistress is no excuse for leaving the mother of your children; the world has lost its values."
I like it, and found it very relevant as we watch each week one more 'star' being humiliated all over the media for having an affair, then he comes and gives a public Speech and says how he regrets, then he cries, and says that he would do anything to fix all the pain and mess he caused...
I don't know. I don't remember hearing or seeing such things even a decade ago.
and I really ask myself.. Has the world lost its values??
Clinton apologized back then, because he was the President, and mainly because he Lied!
A man had a fling, a man desired another woman. Not a good thing, but heyy!!!
now a 'man' gives a speech to say he is sorry and regrets and would be his wife's slave until she is maybe able to forgive him.

Bunch of sissies.


Nope, back then the media just didn't report it or it was kept under wraps tighter.

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.


Of Course Not!!!
you got it all wrong!
what is "back then" you mean in 1778?
I'm not talking about the 18th or 19th century. There has Always been magazines, newspaper, tv and M E D I A. Or are you saying that the media 'back then' didn't care much about superstars???? was the media 'back then' busy with other things (!!?) Haven't you heard the word 'Paparazzi' back in the 1990's?



Classy sig.

If you are more dogmatic than the Christians you vilify and want to show what an ass you are, put this in your sig.


I really don't think that the "world losing its values" was referring to people having affairs. He, himself, said he had so many affairs and it seemed as though this part was natural to him. What he was referring to about people losing their values was leaving the mother of their children. He felt that this was something should not be done. Sure, have the affair. But you don't have values if you do so and then leave mother of your children.


yeah, I know that losing values wasn't about having affairs.

I am using the quote, and the topic, to discuss something similar. as he suggests that having an affair is not a good enough reason to leave the mother of your children, I was wondering what happened to people, that are over reacting all over the media (and thus bringing a new approach to this).. Men have always been having affairs!! (not all men of course!)
I find it crazy and sick. I was reading some 'gossip' website, aout the text messages Sandra Bullock got from her friends.. and what a victim she is, and how could she live with that a$$hole, etc. wtf???


What the pop media is currently doing in regards to celebrities is one thing. The issue of the morality of having affairs in itself is quite something else. One can understand the point the father in Diving Bell is making, but his is hardly the final word on the subject.

And people being fascinated by the gossip of sexual infidelity is hardly something new. Women (and men) being genuinely hurt by infidelity is also nothing new. There is no "new approach" going on. The saturation of the media sources salivating about these things in detail may be new, but there is nothing new about the topics they are covering or the opinions they express about infidelity. There's also two related but separate issues here: 1. whether a person having an affair(s) should leave their spouse/parter for a lover; 2. whether the spouse/parter wants the cheater anymore anyways.


Thanks for your feedback Oshelley.
What I was bringing here was not whether the 'cheater' should leave or stay, or whether the 'cheated' should forgive or not. This is all up to them, and none of us can have a say over it. whatever (s)he feels, is alright.

What I was trying to say is.. something has changed in that in the past, men having an affair would never bring all this fuss and accusations and scorn... how many famous (handsome, rich and charming) men have had affairs, over and over, but people somehow would regard it as simply a "player" who should wise up and stop falling for other Beautiful Women. (excuse my not-so-good English).

Now, somehow I feel that it is not the way people see it anymore. Of course cheating is bad.. but I will always believe that a Man having an affair, is Never as Bad as a woman having one.
Lets just imagine: if the Clinton case was inverted. Hilary admits she had been performing Fellatio on many men in the white house. and Her hubby would talk to press and say he is hurt, but will eventually forgive and support his wife!!!


It's absurd, I know.
Don't you think a lot of that has to do with emancipation? Do you think, in a society where divorce was either looked down upon, or non-existent, women would stand up and fight their husband's affair? That of course doesn't mean it never happened. The world hasn't lost any values, it just changed, and the people who cling to the structure they used to have are losing control over it.
And relevant to this board: it's not a question of right or wrong, it happened. A movie director is not an ethicist. The question is, how is his wife going to react, with him hardly being able to answer her.

"That's MY steak, Valance."
