has the world lost its values??
"Having a mistress is no excuse for leaving the mother of your children; the world has lost its values."
I like it, and found it very relevant as we watch each week one more 'star' being humiliated all over the media for having an affair, then he comes and gives a public Speech and says how he regrets, then he cries, and says that he would do anything to fix all the pain and mess he caused...
I don't know. I don't remember hearing or seeing such things even a decade ago.
and I really ask myself.. Has the world lost its values??
Clinton apologized back then, because he was the President, and mainly because he Lied!
A man had a fling, a man desired another woman. Not a good thing, but heyy!!!
now a 'man' gives a speech to say he is sorry and regrets and would be his wife's slave until she is maybe able to forgive him.
Bunch of sissies.