Did you cry?

I was in a bad mood today so decided I wanted to watch a movie that would make me cry. I chose this one.

It delivered. I cried quite a few times. I was disappointed when I came on the boards and found out so many people disliked the movie though.

But there are so many moments where it's hard not to feel emotional. The scene where his father rings him up in particular.

So did anyone else cry or just me? Ha.


the scene where his father calls get me in tears too.


I was tearing up many times throughout this film, out of empathy and joy.


I've had this dvd for a week, and declined to watch it because I thought it would be a tear jerker....but I was amazed by this gorgeous film! I really enjoyed it even though I did cry off and on.

"Long days and pleasant nights"


The telephone call with his father is heartbreaking. Also the final scene, when the book is published.

Movie is beautiful, can't understand why is so hated by some people


I started to get a little emotional during the homage scene to The 400 Blows. I just really have a lot of love for that film and so the scene struck a chord so to speak.


Without question the best directed film of last year, or for that matter, the last several. Far better than the Cohen Bros NON COUNTRY.
Can you imagine reading this book and then saying , " hey i can make a movie about it>"?
Insane. As annoying as Schnabel is as a person, and as overrated as he is as an artist, he has proven to be one hell of a filmmaker.


I actually wanted to cry, I thought I was going to cry during this film...but somehow I didn't. Odd.

The movie's still pretty good, though.


yup...the scene where the dad calls gets you.


Same here.


i didnt cry but i was incredibly touched throughout the film. to be honest i was left hopeful at the end of the film. it put my life in perspective and i think jean had put his life into perspective too and learnt many things throughout his plight


i cried no less than 4 times


The father's call was very touching, yep I hade a few tears a have to admit. Beautiful scene at the same time.


Almost cried..


I teared up a few times, but did not cry. (I cried enough two days ago, we had to put my dog to sleep. It was terrible.)

This reminded me of a friend - not a very good friend, but of a guy my group of friends and i used to hang out with in my high school days. He has MS really, really badly now. I still see him at least a couple times a year. He went to being a cocky *beep* to being totally dependant on his wife. I never liked him that much at all, but i can't help feeling bad for him.

I thought this film was overrated, but still good. Grade: B.


R.I.P. Gunner
2000 - 2009

i'll miss you & always love you


i cried when it was his dad, just because it's so sad


Sadness, I tough out!

It certainly was a unique and touching movie. He was a sad case! I thought the viewer experienced his appearance to others, better than how the world appeared to him, but I think that was probably much easier to pull off.

Early on I did appreciate his fear and confusion as he became aware of his condition. How frustrating to have your tv tuned to cartoons for 4 hours and no way to switch channels, or to have it shut off during something you might be enjoying. His situation would certainly try a man's patience!! I think his death was a blessing, considering...

Personally, I was reminded of my own diving bell, which by no means compared to his. I was once again overwhelmed by the generosity of my friends, family and the professionals, that were so helpful to me when I was flat on my back! The gratitude that I felt at the time, was renewed by this movie. You can never fully appreciate help until you're 100% helpless!

It was hard to watch his son wiping the drool off his face! I felt for them as much or more, than I felt for him. (He was sure tough to look at!) He had no choice but to endure his condition, but his family endured it voluntarily!

I was a little confused by his relationship with his wife. She was obviously aware of his girlfriend, but I wasn't sure if his wife and him were still together before his stroke. It looked cruel of him to have his teary eyed wife translate his words to the girlfriend over the telephone, that he was anxious for her to visit him! (this was as close to crying as I got) The wife seemed to deserve better! She was at his side, while the girlfriend had put her own comfort ahead of his needs... How could he treat someone who was caring for him, so shabbily?
I didn't like that, and it didn't speak very well of him! Maybe I missed something...

Sad story, but a viewer should be compelled by it to count their blessings!

All and all it will be a memorable movie.

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Ha! I watched this movie about 9 or so months ago and still, today, I tear up a little when I even think about it!


I cried when his son cried


Definitely the saddest moment for mine. The two little girls seemed to be happy just to be with their dad, but the son was old enough to grasp the situation. We see him dabbing away his father's drool and holding him behind his head, basically nursing him. Then a cut away to him crying in his mother's arms. Even Max von Sydow couldn't top that.

