MovieChat Forums > The Ice Harvest (2005) Discussion > The user rating for this movie used to b...

The user rating for this movie used to be like '8.2'!

I don't know if anyone else had noticed this but the first time I checked the boards on this movie, the user rating used to be like 8.2 or something but then it started coming down gradually until it came down to the worst which is "5.8". What's up with that; why'd they rate it 8.2 in the first place and then bring it all the way down to nothing?


Most people just rate the movie based on how the trailer is, or by who stars in the movie.


5.8 is still pretty high for it if we're honest, it's received just short of 1500 votes, I expect it will probably level off around 5 by the time the masses have seen it and voted... It certainly aint an 8.2 movie by any means...


Better than 5.8 though?
I gave it a 7.
