Wichita Falls...?

I'm not from Kansas so I really don't know, but...

is there actually a "Wichita Falls" in Wichita (i.e. an actual waterfall)? I know Charlie stands over a river in the movie which may well have a waterfall on it at some point.

I now there is a town called Wichita Falls in TX, but obviously the movie doesnt take place there...


There are other threads that cover this. And no, there's no place in Wichita known as the Falls or Wichita Falls or anything.


Wichita Falls is a town in north Texas.


"Wichita Falls was named after a 5 foot high waterfall in the Big Wichita River which washed away in a flood in 1886. In the 1980s, a concrete, 4-tiered waterfall was designed and built and, in a special centennial ceremony*, this 54 feet high, concrete Wichita Falls Waterfall was 'activated' to maintain the city's namesake. This miniature Niagara recirculates its water at 35,000 gallons a minute!"
