
This is really clasic film noir when you think about it. It has all of the textbook examples of noir with the themes, setting, lighting, the characters and their motovations. Did anyone else notice this?



I think the character Renita really gave away this film's noir qualities.


I agree. "Moody" scenes and desperate characters. I think it was well written, but very well executed. Both filming and editing.


It was thoroughly noir alright. The crime environment, the shady yet likeable protagonist fallen way over his head in a dangerous web of murder and deceit, the femme fatale, the archetypal Bad Guy with his archetypal Evil Goons, the backstabbing partner, the silent but constant looming moral principles, the final judgement - though it's kind of unclear about the punishment (Charlie sure saved his soul with that last good deed, but I suspect he totally died in the end, plus Pete should so totally not have been in the car, in fact his very existence is highly suspicious).

And it was a good noir too.

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder
