MovieChat Forums > Lord of War (2005) Discussion > Wife reaction completly stupid for the g...

Wife reaction completly stupid for the great film

This movie is awesome in every aspect, the only thing that i hated and i´m sure some "Hollywood exec" had something to do with it, is the wife´s reaction when she knows who yuri is.... that was plain stupid, how many women have kids and families with drugs and weapons dealers and never cry naked in what is the must ridiculous scene i´ve seen?. women get married with this kind of guys all the time, they have kids and families and the kids go on as if nothing was wrong, sometimes they even end in the same business, why they had to add this stupid "moral" thing??? i think it´d have been more effective and shocking to go with the scene as it was presented. Agent jack showing the shocking "true" self of yuri to his wife, she acts shocked nick ends in detention gives his great final speak to the agent and when the man who releases yuri arrives, he arrives with the wife, and we find out that she made the phone calls to get yuri free, so we know that she already knew who yuri was but didn´t really care. That wold have been more awesome than that stupid scene were she is crying naked like if she was the mother of jesus.....


So, unless you can show us that a woman is physically incapable of reacting in the way which her character did, and unless you can show that her reaction was anachronous to her character, then, what the crap is your point?

Btw, your preferred option is incredibly cliche and to me, wholly unreasonable for anybody (as your title states) claiming to hate studios pandering to crowds to sell tickets.

Plenty of women marry douche-bags, and plenty of them leave those douche-bags.


he is NOT a douche-bag, he never really acted like that with her, as a mather of fact we could even say that he was a good husband with her, the point here is that her reaction was completely expected because well, he is the "bad guy" and womens are always "good" right?? isn´t that more cliche??? but if this movie was showing a more real portrait of a guns dealer then why not show that women get married with this kind of guys and they also love that life??? that they can live with that just like many do in real life??? how many women are there that are married with drug dealers??? gun tycoons??? how many are married with guys who are working at the cigarettes industry??? how many are married with dictators??? all of them leave those guys because they find out what they do??? sure.......... the only cliche that this movie had was the "nice" lady that was so sad to find out what her husband did, and it was a shame...... the whole story would´ve been better if we could see that sometimes people can live with that, whatever we like it or not.


Did you miss the fact that her parents were killed by guns, just like the guns that Yuri sold?
And did you miss the fact that her parents' death was something that she remembered and that mattered to her?

Because I did not miss those facts.
You MAY be right that MOST women would not have reacted like she did. But she had a really good reason to react the way she did. She felt that in some way, it was Yuri who had killed her parents. It doesn't matter whether the guns that killed them ACTUALLY had been sold my Yuri, or if he had even started selling guns at that point. The point was that he sold guns that would kill OTHER parents. And as such, he was also responsible for the death of her parents. And as long as she was married to him, using the things that had been bought spending the money made on his gun trade, SHE was ALSO in a way responsible for the death of her parents.

And THAT was obviously the reason why she reacted the way she did. Completely disregarding whether most women would have done so or not.


>Did you miss the fact that her parents were killed by guns, just like the guns >that Yuri sold?

I saw this movie a long time ago, so i don´t remember that detail, but even if that was the case then that´s great because that proves my point even more, that they used the easy "soap opera" plot to give a moral reason to the wife to leave.

That excuse is as stupid as saying that your wife is leaving you because their parents died on a car accident and you sell cars, or they died of cancer and you sell cigarettes, but even if we justify the fact because yuri´s guns are in the "illegal" zone more than cigarettes or cars, (even though it´d be just as stupid if we change the word illegal gun seller to legal gun seller)my problem was not really the reason why she leaves him, my problem was that this was a great story with a very REAL development, the more natural path for the story would´ve been to see his soon following his steps just like happens in the real world. drug dealers have almost all if not all of their families and sons doing the same, why they don´t have moral wife's that leave them because what they do is wrong???? the fact that they conveniently added that "past" in yuri´s wife shows that they wanted her to leave him, and in a very moral state. that was my problem, in real life this kind of people have real families and those families and sons enjoy their life and they don´t give a damn. Some months ago here in mexico a magazine published some pictures of the daughters of some top cartels bosses, and they weren´t crying, or feeling sorry for what their parents do, they were enjoying life expending money in paris, england and having a great life with money that is completely covered in blood, THAT´S real life. And this movie made an awesome portrait of the guns industry, but they had to add the moral part which doesn´t really exists in real life and for me that destroyed the whole story. an ending with yuri´s wife living the life with her husband as if nothing happened and maybe even watching the possible future raise of yuri´s son to his throne would´ve been better, more shocking, and REAL than the moral "bad guys are alone" ending that is anything but real.

see ya!!!!


I do agree with what you're saying here.
I agree that the death of her parents were quite obviously included to make her leave him. And that her leaving him was done in order to put a moral twist on the story. And I also agree that when you have to forcefeed morals in a story, that does not make the story better.

When that is said, while her reaction is probably not the MOST likely reaction for a wife to have, it is still a possible reaction to have. There ARE people who have moral scruples.

Also keep in mind that the daughters of the cartel bosses you're talking about have most likely been aware of where the money is coming from all their lives.
Ava was NOT aware of where Yuri's money were coming from. And she DID actually display quite a bit of the mentality that you are describing. She told Yuri that she didn't want to ask questions, because she didn't want him to lie to her. That STRONGLY suggests that while she may not have been aware that his business was illegal (he did after all tell her that it WAS legal), she was nonetheless fully aware that his business was a bit shady, and not something you'd want to inform everyone about.
So yes, she did spend his money and was happy about it, knowing that the money was not entirely clean.


>When that is said, while her reaction is probably not the MOST likely reaction >for a wife to have, it is still a possible reaction to have. There ARE people >who have moral scruples.

I´m glad you understand my point man, and no doubt i do agree with what you are saying and i DO think there are people with morals, and it´s true that her reaction following her moral reasons was the right one, but as i said my problem was to see this moral reaction in a very real movie where this kind of things doesn´t really fit.

the parents dead by a gun was a very cheap excuse, that was my problem, i mean she hated only illegal guns??? or legal guns were right??? what if a cop would´ve killed them?? then what? she ´d have hated cops and guns??? or only if it was illegal??? that kind of stuff works well in happy movies, but as i said this movie is *beep* awesome, really oscar material i don´t know why it wasn´t nominated. but with that moral twist i felt that we were returning to the old "studio executive ending" where you are instructed: "no, no, no, the ending is not right, he needs to be punished for what he did, this kind of shocking endings doesn´t work with the audience".

I remember this other movie: "traffic" were catherine zeta jones portraits a very ,VERY real wife of a drug dealer. if i remember correctly she didn´t know what her husband was, but she ends getting him back and living with no problems with the life that he has. For me that was shocking because here i thought the opposite, i thought that she was going to dump him because in this case she really had no idea who he was or that what he was doing was wrong, and at the end we saw that she didn´t care.

With Ava even though she was not aware of what yuri did she knew it was something bad, that´s why she didn´t wanted to know, that´s the cheap moral part for me, she knew it was something bad but just ignoring it was enough to live happy and without problems??? what if he was a drug dealer?? or a professional killer that only killed his targets with a knife?? that´d have been okay because it didn´t really had to do anything with guns??? if something was bad (and it was because she KNEW something was not legal) then why she acts like that?? seriously, we don´t have a lot of criminal careers out there, i think must of them where you can earn money in the huge amounts that yuri had could be resumed to drugs or guns, no other small criminal activity can give you the amount of money that he had, and even with that she stayed with him as far as she didn´t know???? that´s the cheap moral part of the story, and now that i think about it, and how traffic (an academy award winner) was the opposite maybe that was the reason why they didn´t nominated it.

see ya!!!!


That excuse is as stupid as saying that your wife is leaving you because their parents died on a car accident and you sell cars, or they died of cancer and you sell cigarettes,

If he had first approached her saying "I'm an Arms Dealer", I would agree with you. but the fact that he hid it all those years does make it different.

It is not unreasonable to think that this woman has integrity, the kind that would NOT allow her to just set aside the fact that her husband deals in illegal weapons to dictators and terrorists

Can't we all just get along?
