>When that is said, while her reaction is probably not the MOST likely reaction >for a wife to have, it is still a possible reaction to have. There ARE people >who have moral scruples.
I´m glad you understand my point man, and no doubt i do agree with what you are saying and i DO think there are people with morals, and it´s true that her reaction following her moral reasons was the right one, but as i said my problem was to see this moral reaction in a very real movie where this kind of things doesn´t really fit.
the parents dead by a gun was a very cheap excuse, that was my problem, i mean she hated only illegal guns??? or legal guns were right??? what if a cop would´ve killed them?? then what? she ´d have hated cops and guns??? or only if it was illegal??? that kind of stuff works well in happy movies, but as i said this movie is *beep* awesome, really oscar material i don´t know why it wasn´t nominated. but with that moral twist i felt that we were returning to the old "studio executive ending" where you are instructed: "no, no, no, the ending is not right, he needs to be punished for what he did, this kind of shocking endings doesn´t work with the audience".
I remember this other movie: "traffic" were catherine zeta jones portraits a very ,VERY real wife of a drug dealer. if i remember correctly she didn´t know what her husband was, but she ends getting him back and living with no problems with the life that he has. For me that was shocking because here i thought the opposite, i thought that she was going to dump him because in this case she really had no idea who he was or that what he was doing was wrong, and at the end we saw that she didn´t care.
With Ava even though she was not aware of what yuri did she knew it was something bad, that´s why she didn´t wanted to know, that´s the cheap moral part for me, she knew it was something bad but just ignoring it was enough to live happy and without problems??? what if he was a drug dealer?? or a professional killer that only killed his targets with a knife?? that´d have been okay because it didn´t really had to do anything with guns??? if something was bad (and it was because she KNEW something was not legal) then why she acts like that?? seriously, we don´t have a lot of criminal careers out there, i think must of them where you can earn money in the huge amounts that yuri had could be resumed to drugs or guns, no other small criminal activity can give you the amount of money that he had, and even with that she stayed with him as far as she didn´t know???? that´s the cheap moral part of the story, and now that i think about it, and how traffic (an academy award winner) was the opposite maybe that was the reason why they didn´t nominated it.
see ya!!!!