Movie version of Breaking Bad
I thought Lord of War was a pretty good mokumentary.
It does have a social narrative along with a personal one and I thought of Breaking Bad several times during the movie. The scene where he says he does it because he is good at it felt strongly of Breaking Bad (albeit BB came much later than this movie).
The lure of continuing to do something you know is wrong but you do it because that is probably the only thing what you're good at is very scary but also enticing to some. High risk, high reward to them. Be that Walter White making Blue Meth or Nic Cage peddling guns.
The problem is definitely the presence of these elements that makes people like Nicolas Cage's character be present in the world today. If we eliminate the guns, then they will move on to something else. However, it would be one less item and some few elements like him. Personally, I think guns should be outlawed for civilians at the min.
The movie was shot well, brisk paced with good narration and acting. Nicolas Cage did a great job and he is a pretty good actor. Bridget Moynihan wasn't that super but she is pretty in this movie. But her beauty was waning by the time of this movie already. Not sure how she looks today.
The directing was good and tight and there weren't any filler scenes. However, the actor aging wasn't handled well with most actors seemingly appearing ageless.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes movies like Traffic or other social movies like Thank you for smoking.
Final rating : 8/10